1 January 2004 Fine-tuning of a diode laser wavelength with a liquid crystal intracavity element
Yu-Pin Lan, Chao-Yuan Chen, Ru-Pin Pan, Ci-Ling Pan
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A novel and simple approach for fine-tuning a laser wavelength is proposed and demonstrated. The key element is a planarly aligned nematic liquid crystal (NLC) cell inserted between the grating and end mirror of an external-cavity semiconductor laser (ECL). Varying the voltage driving the NLC cell, causes its extraordinary index of refraction to change due to field-induced reorientation of the LC director. This is equivalent to tuning the laser cavity length. As a result, the laser wavelength can be continuously tuned. With a 35.5-µm-thick NLC cell, the output frequency of the present laser can be continuously tuned over 4 GHz. The root mean square driving voltage required is 1.5 V or less. The tuning range is in good agreement with the theoretical predictions.
©(2004) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Yu-Pin Lan, Chao-Yuan Chen, Ru-Pin Pan, and Ci-Ling Pan "Fine-tuning of a diode laser wavelength with a liquid crystal intracavity element," Optical Engineering 43(1), (1 January 2004). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1629684
Published: 1 January 2004
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Cited by 7 scholarly publications.
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Semiconductor lasers

Liquid crystals



Diffraction gratings

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