10 June 1992 Generation of ultrashort surface electromagnetic waves by diffraction of frequency-modulated laser pulses on periodical surface relief
Sergei A. Akhmanov, Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, Vladimir N. Seminogov, Vladimir G. Sokolov
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Proceedings Volume 1800, Superintense Laser Fields: Generation, Interaction with Matter, and X-Ray Sources; (1992)
Event: Superintense Laser Fields: Generation, Interaction with Matter, and X-Ray Sources, 1991, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
It is well known that the interaction of laser beams with periodically corrugated surfaces (e.g., with diffraction gratings) can have a resonant character and can be accompanied by the strong local field's enhancement, suppression of the specular reflection, and anomalous high absorption of light. These effects are known as Wood's anomalies. Previously we have theoretically investigated the peculiarities of these anomalies, when the ultrashort (pico- and femtosecond) regular laser pulses are incident upon a corrugated surface. In this paper, we consider the interaction of the frequency-modulated (chirped) laser pulses with gratings. The effect of the resonant excitation of surface electromagnetic waves (SEW) with a high amplitude and a duration less than that of the incident pulse is predicted. It can be considered as a method for the ultrashort powerful SEW generation. Different specific features of the Wood's anomalies, such as transformation of the specular reflected pulse and anomalous high ultrafast input of the radiation energy into the surface, are analyzed.
© (1992) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sergei A. Akhmanov, Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, Vladimir N. Seminogov, and Vladimir G. Sokolov "Generation of ultrashort surface electromagnetic waves by diffraction of frequency-modulated laser pulses on periodical surface relief", Proc. SPIE 1800, Superintense Laser Fields: Generation, Interaction with Matter, and X-Ray Sources, (10 June 1992);
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Electromagnetic radiation


Diffraction gratings

Pulsed laser operation


Ultrafast phenomena


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