17 June 1996 Reliability of signature and sensor models
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The reliability of computer models of both signatures and effects introduced as the signatures are measured is of critical importance in the development of seekers and other devices which use EO sensors. Typically the models consist of many independent modules or programs, each of which models many different physical processes and requires many different types of input data. Due to the models' complexity, their reliability is commonly not well established, and the domains within which the models are valid are commonly not understood. Efforts at establishing the reliability of the models frequently only address a very limited number of characteristics of the outputs and seldom characterize the reliability of the input parameters. Figures-of-merit usually address specific characteristics of certain outputs and often do not attempt to evaluate the performance of the model in the complete system. This paper discusses the problem of establishing the reliability of computer models of passive imaging sensors and the signatures they observe. General question about the process of comparing measurements with model results to determine how well the model works are examined, and methods for establishing reliability are presented. The physical models and types of input data required to describe the signatures and sensors are enumerated. Quantities used to describe the outputs of the different physical models are identified, and different types of figures-of-merit are identified to evaluate how well the computer model outputs compare with true/measured values. The Irma passive model is used as an example and several examples of validation completed for this code are presented.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David B. Chenault and David S. Flynn "Reliability of signature and sensor models", Proc. SPIE 2742, Targets and Backgrounds: Characterization and Representation II, (17 June 1996);
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Atmospheric sensing

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Atmospheric modeling

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