22 December 1997 Accuracy of trajectory determination and prediction of ADEOS with RIS experiment
Maki Maeda, Mina Ogawa, Mikio Sawabe, Masao Hirota, Hiroo Kunimori
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Proceedings Volume 3218, Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques; (1997)
Event: Aerospace Remote Sensing '97, 1997, London, United Kingdom
The advanced earth observing satellite (ADEOS) was launched on August 17th, 1996. The ADEOS carries a large aperture laser-reflector, referred as Retroreflector in Space (RIS). In order to hit laser properly onto the RIS, we need a trajectory prediction with accuracy of about 100 m. The flight-dynamics team at the NASDA ordinarily derives a satellite trajectory with range and range rate (RARR) measurements using S-band radio wave. However, the trajectory prediction is expected to be only as accurate as 1 km for ADEOS. This uncertainty is not acceptable for the RIS. Our main goal is to provide a trajectory prediction valid for three days with uncertainty of 100 meters or smaller with satellite laser ranging (SLR) method. This subject is being studied with the ADEOS/RIS experiment. As a result, our accuracy of a position prediction with the SLR method is about 80 meters or better, and therefore we believe performance of the SLR method will supersede our RARR method with at least a ten-fold improvement on its accuracy. In the future missions of the NASDA, a spacecraft needs higher accuracy in trajectory determination and prediction. A brief discussion on the post-ADEOS mission plan will be found in this paper as well.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maki Maeda, Mina Ogawa, Mikio Sawabe, Masao Hirota, and Hiroo Kunimori "Accuracy of trajectory determination and prediction of ADEOS with RIS experiment", Proc. SPIE 3218, Laser Radar Ranging and Atmospheric Lidar Techniques, (22 December 1997);
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Earth observing sensors


S band

Satellite laser ranging

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