We discuss accuracy of our recently developed RT code SORD using 2 benchmark scenarios published by the IPRT group in 2015. These scenarios define atmospheres with a complicate dependence of scattering and absorption properties over height (profile). Equal step, dh=1km, is assumed in the profiles. We developed subroutines that split such atmospheres into layers of the same optical thickness, dτ. We provide full text of the subroutines with comments in Appendix. The dτ is a step for vertical integration in the method of successive orders. Modification of the input profiles from “equal step over h” to “equal step over τ” changes input for RT simulations. This may cause errors at or above the acceptable level of the measurement uncertainty. We show errors of the RT code SORD for both intensity and polarization. In addition to that, using our discrete ordinates RT code IPOL, we discuss one more IPRT scenario, in which changes in height profile indeed cause unacceptable errors. Clear understanding of source and magnitude of these errors is important, e.g. for the AERONET retrieval algorithm.