Poster + Paper
17 December 2020 The instrument control unit of the PLATO payload: design consolidation following the preliminary design review by ESA
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Conference Poster
PLATO is an M-class mission (M3) of the European Space Agency (ESA) whose launch is scheduled in 2026. The main aim of the mission is the detection and characterization of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting around bright solar-type star. The payload consists of 26 small telescopes: 24 “normal" cameras and 2 “fast" cameras. The huge amount of data produced by the PLATO telescopes is acquired and processed on-board by the Data Processing System (DPS) made up by various processing electronic units. The DPS of the PLATO instrument comprises the Normal and Fast DPUs (Data Processing Units) and a single ICU (Instrument Control Unit), are data routed through a SpaceWire network. The topic of this paper is the description of the architecture of the ICU and its role within the DPS, the status of the Avionic Validation Model (AVM) testing at the end of the Unit Preliminary Design Review (UPDR) performed by ESA and the results of the test of the first engineering model.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rosario Cosentino, Mauro Focardi, Stefano Pezzuto, Giovanni Giusi, Emanuele Galli, Anna Maria Di Giorgio, Scige Liu, Alessio Traficante, David Biondi, Johan Hasiba, Karl Hofmann, Harald Jeszenszky, Gunter Laky, Harald Ottacher, Michael Steinberger, Manfred Steller, Jorge Tonfat, Robert Wallner, Sonja Neukirchner, Mario Leichtfried, Carlo Del Vecchio Blanco, Luca Serafini, Devitt Dini, Luca Pilato, Luca Toscano, Valfredo Zolesi, Manuel Guedel, Franz Kerschbaum, Roland Ottensamer, Armin Luntzer, and Dominik Loidolt "The instrument control unit of the PLATO payload: design consolidation following the preliminary design review by ESA", Proc. SPIE 11443, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 114434V (17 December 2020);
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Double positive medium

Instrument modeling


Data processing




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