The combination of the light microscope with modern electronic imaging, storage, and processing devices has brought about a virtual revolution in microscopy. Dynamic structures in living cells can now be visualized with a clarity, speed, and resolution never before achieved in differential interference. contrast OTC or Nomarsky), fluorescence, polarized light, dark field, and other modes of microscopy (Fig. 1); the gliding motion, and growth and shortening, of individual molecular filaments of microtubules and factin can be followed in real time, directly on the monitor screen, (Fig. 2); and the changing concentration, and distribution. of ions and specific protein molecules can be followed, moment by moment, in physiologically active cells.1,2 In polarized light and phase contrast microscopy, optical sections as thin as 0.1 um are now attainable (Fig. 3). These images can be viewed as through-focal stacks or stereo pairs, revealing 3-dimensional architecture of biological fine structure at very high. resolution (Fig. 4). The basic principles and methods of application of video microscopy are discussed in inoue,3 and recent developments have been summarized in a conference proceedings4 (see also ref. 5,6,7).