12 April 2021 Ultra-low noise dynamic Brillouin strain sensing using combined Stokes and anti-Stokes measurements
Joseph Murray, Brandon Redding
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We present a novel Brillouin based dynamic strain sensor that is immune to most of the technical and environmental noise sources that limit existing Brillouin sensors. In particular, we introduce a modified slope-assisted Brillouin optical time domain analysis (SA-BOTDA) system that combines information from the complex Stokes and anti-Stokes interactions to extract the Brillouin frequency shift while suppressing noise and cross-talk due to fluctuations in the power, frequency, or polarization state of the pump and probe beams. This approach enables a strain noise of 15.6 nε/Hz1/2 in ~1 km of fiber with 4 m resolution and 25 kHz bandwidth.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joseph Murray and Brandon Redding "Ultra-low noise dynamic Brillouin strain sensing using combined Stokes and anti-Stokes measurements", Proc. SPIE 11739, Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications XVII, 117390A (12 April 2021);


Doppler effect

Fiber optics sensors

Laser beam diagnostics

Spatial resolution

Structural health monitoring

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