27 March 2022 Single-use video endoscope for vertebral pedicle puncture
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Proceedings Volume 12169, Eighth Symposium on Novel Photoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications; 121697I (2022)
Event: Eighth Symposium on Novel Photoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications, 2021, Kunming, China
Accurate positioning and navigation during the vertebral pedicle puncture process in percutaneous vertebroplasty is the key to the operation. At present, there are many problems for the widely used multiple X-ray perspective, such as the nonreal-time observation and its radiation. A single-use video endoscope for vertebral pedicle puncture, which can monitor the puncture process in real time, is presented in this paper. Firstly, the specifications of the optical system are derived according to the surgical requirements. The maximum lens diameter of the designed endoscope is less than 1.4mm, and the field of view is 80°. Its focal length is 0.6mm, and the object resolution is 13lp/mm. The F/# of this system is 4.95, and the depth of field is between 3~25mm.Then, in order to fulfill the requirement of single-use endoscope, the optical system is designed with the low-cost CMOS image sensor and the injection plastic lens. After optimization, the imaging quality of the optical system is close to the diffraction limit. The MTF is above 0.5 at the spatial frequency of 130lp/mm, which is corresponding to 13lp/mm in the object plane at a working distance of 6mm. Finally, the stacked assembly method is used to design the opto-mechanical structure of a single-use video endoscope. After the above design, the video endoscope for vertebral pedicle puncture is expected to realize single-time use.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jian Zhou, ZhiCheng Zhao, XinHua Chen, and WeiMin Shen "Single-use video endoscope for vertebral pedicle puncture", Proc. SPIE 12169, Eighth Symposium on Novel Photoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications, 121697I (27 March 2022);
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