1 July 1990 Preliminary image-quality measurements on a digital scanned projection radiography system
Steven L. Fritz, Ching-Shan Rick Lee, Steven R. Roys
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We have made preliminary image quality measurements (modulation transfer function and noise power spectrum) measurements on a digital scanned projection radiography system developed in our laboratory. The DSPR system images the light output of a scanning strip of intensifying screen onto a time-delay-Wand--integrate scanning CCD imager with a high speed lens. The data show that the current design is limited in spatial resolution compared to a screen film system. In the current CCD camera electronic noise dominates both Wiener spectrum and MTF near the resolution limit. Noise power spectrum measurements indicate that the current DSPR system, with a relatively large amount of electronic noise, requires exposures an order of magnitude higher to achieve DQE comparable to screen/film systems. However, for clinical situations in which scattered radiation is a significant factor an advanced prototype DSPR with improved analog electronics is predicted to have DQE comparable to screen/film/grid systems at comparable doses. Development of a low noise DSPR system is currently underway.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Steven L. Fritz, Ching-Shan Rick Lee, and Steven R. Roys "Preliminary image-quality measurements on a digital scanned projection radiography system", Proc. SPIE 1231, Medical Imaging IV: Image Formation, (1 July 1990);
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Modulation transfer functions


Charge-coupled devices

X-ray imaging



Image acquisition

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