Presentation + Paper
9 May 2024 Development and performance analysis of deployable reflector based on origami flasher pattern
Keon-Ik Jang, Tae-Hyun Kim, Dae-Young Lee, Jae-Hung Han
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To address the limited payload space within small satellites, there is growing interest in deployable structures within the field of space engineering. This study proposes a design concept of a deployable reflector based on the compact folding method known as the “Flasher Pattern”. The design ensures that the length of the crease line in stowed and deployed state are equal, and points forming an origami pattern meet an elliptic paraboloid equation formed by the folding pattern. In general, the reflector structure has design requirements related to size and shape. To verify the suitability of the origami-based structure as a reflector design, performance analysis, including packing efficiency, surface error, and focal error, is conducted by varying the design parameters of the structural configuration. To confirm the feasibility of the deployable origami-based structure, a prototype was manufactured using thin material. To ensure self-deployment, torsional-induced hinges that operate within the elastic range of the material were used as a deployment mechanism. The fabricated structure was confirmed to unfold as intended from the folded state to the deployed state.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Keon-Ik Jang, Tae-Hyun Kim, Dae-Young Lee, and Jae-Hung Han "Development and performance analysis of deployable reflector based on origami flasher pattern", Proc. SPIE 12946, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XVIII, 129461M (9 May 2024);
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