The generation of short pulses in fiber lasers using saturable absorbers made of graphene oxide (GO), focusing on film thickness, was studied and optimized. The saturable absorber comprised a GO thin film deposited onto a single-mode fiber using the spray coating technique. Water-dispersed GO with a concentration of 4 mg/mL, characterized by a high proportion of monolayer flakes, was employed. This thin film was integrated into a cavity ring laser featuring an erbiumdoped fiber amplifier (EDFA), resulting in a fiber laser emitting at a central emission wavelength of approximately 1564 nm and having a total cavity length of approximately 120 m. By controlling intracavity polarization, short-pulsed light was generated through mode-locking, Q switching, or a combination of both regimes.
This work presents a comprehensive characterization of the cavity ring laser operating under the mode-locking regime. It encompasses an analysis of the spectral behavior, focusing on the evolution of the Kelly’s sidebands with increasing pump power, as well as an assessment of its temporal stability. Moreover, the effects of the aging of the saturable absorber material were studied after a time period of 6 months after the fabrication. It was observed that the general characteristics of spectral signal of the laser were maintained, with long-term stability.