24 August 2024 New paradigm on astronomical space missions: designed for the huge - applicable to all scales
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Conference Poster
Astronomy is data and observation driven. We have presented in a recent series of papers idea, that we think are necessary to make the second next generation of space telescopes possible. With this paper we want to present that the ideas and fields of improvement identified in the previous studies are also applicable to allow for faster, less costly and less risky medium and small size missions. This is already a reality for CubeSat programs, where system components and even payload parts can be bought off the shelf. It is nevertheless not yet a commonly used approach for missions of medium scale and development times between 5 and 15 years. We will show, that the re-use of concepts and components, as well as the design of components for later re-use, are a time- and cost-efficient way forward. And that this approach will even allow the design and implementation of scientific missions that would else not be possible.
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Frank U. Grupp, Jonathan W. Arenberg, and Hanna Kellermann "New paradigm on astronomical space missions: designed for the huge - applicable to all scales", Proc. SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 130925E (24 August 2024);
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