Presentation + Paper
25 July 2024 Easy remote observations using web interfaces: controlling an Italian telescope from Japan, and more
Davide Ricci, Lorenzo Cabona, Bernardo Salasnich, Luciano Nicastro, Luca Fini, Andrea Damonte, Silvano Tosi, Takashi Shibata
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Remote observations are often limited by user interfaces, which seem frozen to another computer era: low performances, outdated programming languages, command-line scripting, high version-dependent software. Instead, web-based tools are standard: using nothing more than a browser, astronomers can interact with a generic observatory in a native cross-platform, remote-born way. We used this approach while advancing in the remotization of the 1m-class OARPAF telescope, located in Northern Italy. The web-based control software provides easy and integrated management of its components. This solution can be exported not only to similar hardware/software facilities, but also to large instruments such as SHARK-NIR at LBT; not only for single operations, but also for procedure scripting. In this contribution we describe our best practices and present two recent, orthogonal use cases: an in-place professional use for exoplanetary transit follow-ups, and the first remote control of the telescope from a Japanese high school, allowing students to independently observe, in their daytime, globular clusters.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Davide Ricci, Lorenzo Cabona, Bernardo Salasnich, Luciano Nicastro, Luca Fini, Andrea Damonte, Silvano Tosi, and Takashi Shibata "Easy remote observations using web interfaces: controlling an Italian telescope from Japan, and more", Proc. SPIE 13098, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems X, 130980T (25 July 2024);
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