Presentation + Paper
23 August 2024 A comprehensive trade study of asset and maintenance management tools for the TMT International Observatory
Bart Fordham, Kayla Hardie, Josh Church, Louis Marchetti, Gelys Trancho
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Controlling work processes and inventories at the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) International Observatory (TIO) is an important function due to the interactivity of subsystems and various teams, and to ensure there is minimal impact to nighttime operations due to failures of any kind. In addition, there is precision and conformity required when working with optics and other complex systems at the high altitude of Mauna Kea. Whilst telescopes such as the TIO are complex machines, tools used to control assets and maintenance activities should not be. The purpose of such a tool should be to guarantee successful outcomes via efficient inputs. In this paper we share our method for determining the criteria and tool selection for TIO’s management of assets, inventory, and maintenance activities. Our proposed method integrates technical, functional, and organizational elements that factored into the criteria weightings. Technical specifications evaluate compatibility, customization and scalability. Functional criteria assess workflows, scheduling, inventory control, and reporting. Organizational criteria evaluate vendor support, product documentation, and long-term viability. The application of a weighted score system enables quantitative comparison between each possibility 1, ensuring the selected tool meets the needs of TIO, thus maximizing the benefits provided by an effective maintenance management tool.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bart Fordham, Kayla Hardie, Josh Church, Louis Marchetti, and Gelys Trancho "A comprehensive trade study of asset and maintenance management tools for the TMT International Observatory", Proc. SPIE 13099, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy XI, 130990O (23 August 2024);
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