6 December 2024 SHARK-NIR instrument control software: new features and tools approaching science runs
Alessandro Lorenzetto, Davide Ricci, Fulvio Laudisio, Daniele Vassallo, Andrea Baruffolo, Domenico Barbato, Maria Bergomi, Elena Carolo, Simone Di Filippo, Valentina D'Orazi, Tania Sofia Gomes Machado, Davide Greggio, Luca Marafatto, Dino Mesa, Jacopo Farinato
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SHARK-NIR (System for coronagraphy with high order adaptive optics in Z and H band) has completed its commissioning phase at the Large Binocular Telescope. Four commissioning runs of one to two weeks each allowed the team to significantly strengthen the architecture of SHINS, its instrument control software. In this contribution, we present the main improvements: 1) the new engineering panel, dedicated to the Real Time Computing system; 2) the process implemented to correct non-rotating (instrument-driven) and rotating (telescope-driven) contributions to the Non Common Path Aberrations during field-stabilized observations; and eventually, 3) the internal communication upgrades between the software and the electronics, resulting in a consistent improvement of the observation software performance and of the web-based user interfaces.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Alessandro Lorenzetto, Davide Ricci, Fulvio Laudisio, Daniele Vassallo, Andrea Baruffolo, Domenico Barbato, Maria Bergomi, Elena Carolo, Simone Di Filippo, Valentina D'Orazi, Tania Sofia Gomes Machado, Davide Greggio, Luca Marafatto, Dino Mesa, and Jacopo Farinato "SHARK-NIR instrument control software: new features and tools approaching science runs", Proc. SPIE 13101, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII, 131013S (6 December 2024);
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Real-time computing

Control software






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