Wave optics simulations study the effect of beam propagation through the atmosphere; one notable method is the split-step beam propagation method. Current atmospheric propagation software utilizes an alternating series of Fresnel propagation and phase accumulation methods through screens which are statistically representative of the atmospheric turbulence along a line-of-sight path. From this assumption the scintillation parameter along the laser path relies on an atmospheric structure parameter, 𝐶𝑛2, and is typically measured using a path averaged scintillometer. While this works well for links established in static atmospheric conditions in harsher environments such as high precipitation rates, heavy fog, or clouds demand a more rigorous approach. Thus, current software typically over-predicts beam performance of links in harsh conditions. This work proposes a model in which scattering is computed from a “first principles” approach, i.e. the full Mie series is calculated at several locations along the simulated beam path. The scattering results are then combined with the traditional split-step beam propagation method through a correction factor to provide a model of attenuation on beam performance. Results show that the addition of the extinction efficiency factor reduced the overall intensity on target by a significant margin as compared to the traditional split-step beam propagation method. More work is needed to verify the utilization of the Mie scattering extinction along with the log-amplitude variance typically utilized to model the turbulence phase.