Open Access Paper
26 September 2024 Research on the coupling coordination of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality
Xiwu Hu, Jing Xu
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 13279, Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2024) ; 132793Q (2024)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development, 2024, Mianyang, China
The harmonious integration of ecological preservation and economic advancement is pivotal for fostering a sustainable coexistence between humanity and the environment. This study establishes a coupling coordination index system tailored to Qinghai Province, leveraging both subjective and objective weighting methods to determine index significance. Applying a coupling coordination model, our analysis reveals: (1) Over 2000-2020, the ecological protection level of Qinghai Province increased first and then decreased, from 0.4374 to 0.2921 to 0.5957; the economic development level continued to rise from 0.1881 to 0.7604. (2) The coupling coordination between ecological protection and economic growth in Qinghai increased from 0.5356 to 0.8204, which has experienced the evolution process of “forced coordination-primary coordination and good coordination”. (3) Throughout the research period, the synchronization index between these two domains declined, and the coupling and coordination situation showed a trend of “the economic development lag-the mutual coordination-the ecological protection lag”.



Amidst the rapid strides of economic and societal development, China is facing increasingly severe challenges in ecology and resources. Therefore, the coordinated development of ecological protection and high-quality economic growth has become a crucial choice for China in transforming and upgrading its economic development model, realizing sustainable growth and building an ecological civilization society1. A study exploring the synergistic development between ecological conservation and economic advancement encompasses numerous contributing elements., and there are complex internal links between them. In the decision-making link, we must carefully consider and balance the interests of all relevant parties to ensure the fairness and rationality of the decision-making results2. Hence, fostering the notion of harmony between ecological conservation and economic progression holds paramount significance. At present, domestic and foreign research mainly focuses on three areas: first, including environmental variables when constructing economic growth model to reflect the relationship between economic growth and environment3-5; second, the verification of environmental Kuznets curve, further explore the relationship between economic development and environmental quality6,7; third, evaluate the coupling of environment and economy, so as to provide theoretical support for the harmonious advancement of both economic growth and ecological preservation8-10. These studies have jointly laid a solid theoretical foundation for the harmonious integration of ecological conservation and economic expansion. In recent years, China’s economy has witnessed sustained and sound development, and the focus of development has shifted from speed to quality. In this context, attaining harmony in the balance between ecological conservation and economic advancement is paramount in importance. To gain a profound understanding of the relationship between the two, domestic scholars actively used the model of interconnectedness and synchronization to conduct a comprehensive study on the regional units of different levels11-14. These studies not only divide the different stages of coupling and coordination in detail, but also reveal the internal laws of spatial and temporal evolution, which provides an important reference for the in-depth promotion of ecological civilization construction in China.

The Qinghai-Tibet plateau as the “third level” of the earth, fragile ecological environment, repair is difficult, Qinghai in seeking economic growth, must be scrutinize and strive for equilibrium between economic expansion and environmental safeguarding through a forward-thinking lens., With the aim of fostering a harmonious coexistence between economic development and the ecological environment, ultimately achieving sustainable development goals.Certain researchers have employed the coupling coordination model to explore the interconnected harmony and synchronization between ecological preservation efforts and economic progression within Qinghai Province15-17, but limited to a short period and a single empowerment method, the impact of carbon peak and carbon neutralization target is not considered. For this reason, this paper incorporates considerations of carbon peaking and neutrality within the framework for assessing ecological conservation and economic progress in Qinghai Province, and adopts the combination of subjective and objective, and the coupling coordination model deeply analyzes the evolving dynamics and distinct categories of the coupling and coordination relationship between ecological protection and economic advancement in Qinghai Province and its types. This study aims to uncover the intricate interplay and coordination dynamics between ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province with greater accuracy, aiming to provide a solid scientific basis for guiding the province’s endeavors towards ecological civilization construction and sustainable, high-quality growth.



Qinghai Province is situated in northwest China, nestled in the northeastern region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with vast land and rich resources. As the “source of rivers”, Qinghai province breeds the Yangtze and Yellow rivers, To provide a solid support for the national water resources security, Qinghai province is adjacent to Gansu, Xinjiang, Tibet and Sichuan province, The average mean elevation, Show the unique plateau scenery, Qinghai province is rich in history and culture, Multi-ethnic groups live together to form a unique ethnic culture, Qinghai province has magnificent mountains and rivers, vast land and abundant resources, With a unique charm, it is a Carrying the mission of ecological protection and cultural inheritance, at the same time, Qinghai province holds a strategic position in safeguarding China’s ecology, resources and stability, As the source of three rivers, Qinghai province is crucial to ecological and environmental protection, Qinghai Province is also one of China’s major resource-rich regions, To provide strong support for economic development.




The construction of the index system

This research is grounded in the essence of ecological conservation and economic growth, along with the mechanisms that facilitate their intertwined interplay, fully draws lessons from the wisdom of experts and scholars, adheres to the principles of scientificity, rationality and data availability, and constructs a more comprehensive evaluation index system centering on the two aspects of ecological conservation and economic advancement respectively.

Drawing upon relevant References18-21, an evaluation index system has been formulated for ecological protection, based on the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model, including three aspects: pressure system, state system and response system. The pressure system incorporates 10 indicators that reflect the degree of pollution imposed on the ecological environment by economic development and residential life, such as industrial wastewater discharge, industrial exhaust emissions, and general industrial solid waste generation. The state system selects 10 indicators to embody the current status and foundation of ecological protection in Qinghai Province, covering aspects of water, soil, air, and forestland, including per capita water resources, water quality compliance rate at water sources, and wetland area. Lastly, the response system comprises 10 indicators that demonstrate the contributions made by the Qinghai Provincial Government towards ecological protection, touching on industrial pollution, residential pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and more, including the comprehensive utilization rate of general industrial solid waste, sewage treatment rate, and industrial pollution control rate.

Drawing upon relevant References22-24, an evaluation index system for economic development has been established, encompassing three dimensions: scale, quality, and potential. The economic development scale dimension comprises 10 indicators that embody investments, trade, per capita income, and agricultural and pastoral output levels, such as GDP, per capita disposable income, and local general budget revenue. The economic development quality dimension consists of 10 indicators reflecting labor-capital productivity, energy utilization, inflation control, and research and development (R&D) investment, including GDP per laborer, capital efficiency, and green commuting. Lastly, the economic development potential dimension sets out 10 indicators that signify population quantity and quality, deposit and loan levels, telecommunications penetration, industrial structure, and urban-rural integration, among them population growth rate, the number of college students per 10,000 population in the province, and the ratio of total deposit balances to GDP.


Research methods


Weight determination method.

The determination of weights is calculated through a combination of subjective and objective empowerment. Subjective weighting adopts the AHP: a scoring matrix is constructed based on pairwise comparisons and scoring by 33 experts in related research fields; then AHP software is used to calculate the weight of each indicator; finally, a consistency check is performed to determine the weight of each indicator. Objective weighting adopts the entropy method: firstly, an evaluation matrix is constructed; secondly, the range standardization method is used to normalize the indicators; then the information entropy of each indicator is calculated to determine the weight of each indicator25. Finally, the weights calculated from the above two methods are combined to empower26. The calculation formula of the combined weight calculation weight is:


where W is the weight combination, ai and bi are the weights assigned separately by the hierarchical analysis and entropy methods, respectively.


Comprehensive evaluation index model.

To assess Qinghai Province’s comprehensive levels of ecological conservation and economic advancement from 2000 to 2020, we calculate the Comprehensive Evaluation Index for Ecological Protection (U1) and the Comprehensive Evaluation Index for Economic Development (U2). These indices serve as indicators to reflect the province’s overall performance in terms of ecological protection and economic growth during the specified period. The formula is as follows:


where: i is the time series number, n1denotes the quantity of ecological protection evaluation indicators, n2 represents the count of economic development evaluation indicators, and P denotes the index of synchronization between ecological conservation and economic advancement.


Coupled coordination degree model.

Referring to relevant studies27-29, the coupling coordination degree between ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province is calculated using the coupling coordination model. The formula is:


where: C represents the coupling degree; T represents the coordination degree; α and β are the coefficient reflecting the importance of ecological conservation and economic advancement, α+β=1. Given the equal importance of both, refer to relevant studies3031, take α=β=0.5; D denotes the degree of coupling and coordination, the higher the coupling coordination level between ecological conservation and economic advancement.

Coupled and coordinated classification and grading. Based on relevant research32,33 and according to the synchronization index P, the coordination status between ecological conservation and economic advancement can be classified into three types: when 0 < P ≤ 0.8, it is considered as the “ecological protection lagging type”; when 0.8 < P ≤ 1.2, it is the “mutual coordination type”; and when P > 1.2, it is the “economic development lagging type”. The coupling coordination level and grade are determined based on the coupling coordination degree34.


Data source

As the data for some indicators are updated every five years, a five-year cycle is adopted for analysis. The statistical data are sourced from the “Qinghai Statistical Yearbook”, “China Statistical Yearbook”, and the annual “Qinghai Provincial Economic Development Bulletins” and “Qinghai Provincial Ecological Environment Statistics Bulletins” for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. The data are subjected to dimensionless processing through range standardization.




Calculation and analysis of ecological conservation and economic advancement weight in Qinghai Province

According to the weight calculation method, the weight is calculated for 60 indicators related to ecological conservation and economic advancement in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020 (Table 1).

Table 1.

Index weight of ecological conservation and economic advancement evaluation system in Qinghai Province.

Evaluation layerSystem levelIndicator layerIndex interpretationIndicatorsIndicator attributeEntropy method weightAnalytic Hierarchy Process weightCombined weight
Ecological protection evaluation index systemPressure system (P) 0.3359Industrial wastewater discharge volume (10,000 tons)Water pollution pressureP1Negative0.05350.05020.0793
Industrial waste gas emissions (billion standard cubic meters)Atmospheric pollution pressureP2Negative0.02720.04400.0354
General industrial solid waste production (million tons)Soil pollution pressureP3Negative0.03330.03200.0315
Chemical oxygen demand emissions (thousand tons)Resource consumption pressureP4Negative0.02970.03920.0343
Municipal solid waste generation (million tons)Life pressureP5Negative0.02320.03050.0209
Unit GDP water consumption (cubic meters per yuan)Hydraulic pressure.P6Negative0.01990.02830.0166
CO2 emissions per unit of GDP (tons/10,000 yuan)Atmospheric environmental pressureP7Negative0.06290.03850.0714
Fertilizer application rate per unit of arable land (tons/hectare)Soil quality pressureP8Negative0.02030.01440.0086
Pesticide usage per unit of arable land (tons/hectare)Agricultural product quality pressureP9Negative0.03770.02230.0248
The proportion of mining industry output value in total industrial output value (%).Resource consumption pressureP10Negative0.01970.02260.0132
State system (S) 0.3501Per capita water resources (cubic meters per person)Available water resources statusS1The first month of the lunar year0.02580.04410.0336
Water source water quality standard rate (%)Water resource statusS2The first month of the lunar year0.03000.05070.0449
Wetland area (thousand hectares)Water resource statusS3The first month of the lunar year0.05240.04530.0700
Proportion of days with good air quality (%)Air quality statusS4The first month of the lunar year0.02560.04690.0355
Proportion of natural forest protection area (%)Forest ecological statusS5The first month of the lunar year0.02580.03870.0295
Per capita Park and green space area (square meters per person)Urban greening statusS6The first month of the lunar year0.02860.02830.0239
Clean energy power generation percentage (%)Clean energy statusS7The first month of the lunar year0.01770.01820.0095
Carbon sequestration per unit area (tons/square kilometer)Air quality statusS8The first month of the lunar year0.02670.02500.0197
Proportion of nature reserve area in the jurisdiction (%)Ecological governance statusS9The first month of the lunar year0.07960.02690.0632
The number of typical natural disasters (times)Environmental stability stateS10Negative0.01750.03910.0202
Response System (R) 0.3140General industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate (%)Soil pollution responseR1The first month of the lunar year0.01990.03680.0217
Sewage treatment rate (%)Water pollution responseR2The first month of the lunar year0.04080.04950.0596
Industrial pollution control rate (%)Industrial responseR3The first month of the lunar year0.02500.04960.0366
The harmless treatment rate of household garbage is (%)Life responseR4The first month of the lunar year0.02060.03390.0206
Proportion of environmental protection expenditure in fiscal expenditure (%)Ecological environment responseR5The first month of the lunar year0.02290.03560.0240
Total afforestation area (thousand hectares)Forest responseR6The first month of the lunar year0.05190.03670.0562
Area of soil and water loss control (thousand hectares)Soil and water loss responseR7The first month of the lunar year0.04360.03850.0496
Proportion of new energy vehicles (%)Clean energy responseR8The first month of the lunar year0.07300.01120.0241
The number of environmental protection system complaints and reports received (pieces)Environmental protection system responseR9Negative0.03020.01340.0119
Artificial grass seeding area (thousand hectares) in the current year.Grassland system responseR10The first month of the lunar year0.01500.02180.0096
Economic development evaluation index systemEconomic development scale 0.2714Regional Gross Domestic Product (billion yuan)Regional output levelG1The first month of the lunar year0.03490.03680.0383
Per capita disposable income (yuan)Per capita income levelG2The first month of the lunar year0.03590.05120.0549
Local general budget revenue (billion yuan)Fiscal revenue levelG3The first month of the lunar year0.03720.02140.0238
Total fixed asset investment (billion yuan)Domestic investment levelG4The first month of the lunar year0.03990.02610.0311
Foreign direct investment (million USD)Foreign investment levelG5The first month of the lunar year0.04470.02180.0291
Total retail sales of consumer goods (billion yuan)Domestic trade levelG6The first month of the lunar year0.03360.02120.0213
Total import and export value (billion yuan)Foreign trade levelG7The first month of the lunar year0.04580.02240.0307
The number of cattle and sheep released from pens (in millions)Agricultural and animal husbandry output levelsG8The first month of the lunar year0.02490.02090.0155
Cargo volume (thousand tons)Cargo transportation scaleG9The first month of the lunar year0.02620.01240.0097
Passenger volume (thousands)The scale of personnel communicationG10The first month of the lunar year0.03950.01450.0171
Economic development quality 0.4689GDP per capita (yuan/person)Labor productivity levelZ1The first month of the lunar year0.04170.05030.0626
Capital efficiency (GDP/total fixed asset investment) (yuan)Capital production levelZ2The first month of the lunar year0.02900.04040.0350
Unit GDP energy consumption (tones of standard coal per 10,000 yuan)Energy utilization levelZ3Negative0.02960.04680.0414
Green travel (public transport passenger volume per 10,000 urban population)Energy utilization levelZ4The first month of the lunar year0.04540.04450.0603
Urban registered unemployment rate (%)Unemployment rate levelZ5Negative0.03430.04360.0446
Resident Consumer PriceInflation levelZ6Negative0.02030.04130.0250
Index (base year=100)      
Growth rate (%) (calculated at constant prices)Economic fluctuation levelZ7The first month of the lunar year0.01950.04740.0276
Urban residents Engel’s coefficient (%)Resident consumption levelZ8Negative0.03280.04570.0447
R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP (%)Research and development investment levelZ9The first month of the lunar year0.02460.04350.0320
Patent applications per 10,000 people (units)Innovation output levelZ10The first month of the lunar year0.06360.05040.0957
Economic development potential 0.2597Population growth rate (‰)Population sizeQ1The first month of the lunar year0.02080.02970.0184
The number of college students per 10,000 people in the province (people)Population qualityQ2The first month of the lunar year0.02210.04410.0292
Deposit balance as a percentage of GDP (%)Deposit levelQ3The first month of the lunar year0.02470.02640.0195
Loan balance as a percentage of GDP (%)Loan levelQ4The first month of the lunar year0.03760.02890.0325
Number of mobile phone users per hundred people (units)Mobile phone penetration rateQ5The first month of the lunar year0.02430.02600.0189
Number of mobile internet access ports per 100 people (people)Internet penetration rateQ6The first month of the lunar year0.05140.03030.0465
The proportion of the tertiary industry in GDP (%)Industrial development structureQ7The first month of the lunar year0.03800.02660.0302
Rural-urban income ratio (rural area=1)Urban-rural integration levelQ8Negative0.03140.03450.0324
Road network density (km/10,000 km²)Public facilities levelQ9The first month of the lunar year0.02660.01210.0096
Fan gang marketization indexRegional economic vitalityQ10The first month of the lunar year0.01960.03870.0226

Data source: the raw data was calculated by entropy, hierarchical analysis and combined empowerment, and plotted by Excel software.

The comprehensive weights of each index can be obtained from the above table, and the comprehensive weights of the system layer (pressure, state and response system) are 0.3359, 0.3501 and 0.3140 respectively; the comprehensive weights of the system layer (economic development scale, quality and potential) in the economic development index system are 0.2714, 0.4689 and 0.2597 respectively.


Comprehensive level of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province

The calculation results of the comprehensive score level of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2020 are shown in Table 2.

Table 2.

Comprehensive score level of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province

 Pressure system (P)State system (S)Response system (R)U1 comprehen sive scoreEconomic development scaleEconomic development qualityEconomic development potentialU2 comprehen sive score

Data source: Calculated from equations (2) and (3), summarized by the author, and plotted using Excel software.

As observed from Table 2, the comprehensive evaluation index of Ecological protection (U1) in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2020 shows a trend of declining first and then rising, which may be due to the decrease of the ecosystem carrying capacity under the promotion of the lack of ecological protection. Since 2005, the comprehensive index has been gradually improved. Thanks to the strategy of “ecological province” and “one optimal”, especially the establishment of “three largest” in 2016 and the pilot establishment of Sanjiangyuan National Park, the ecological protection in Qinghai Province; the comprehensive evaluation index of economic development (U2) shows a rising trend from 0.1881 to 0.7604.

On the whole, during the period from 2000 to 2020, Qinghai Province exhibited a positive development trend in both ecological conservation and economic advancement. However, the improvement in economic development surpassed the enhancement in ecological protection, resulting in a shift from a status of “high ecological protection and low economic development” to “low ecological protection and high economic development”. This change reflects that as economic development progresses, the pressure on ecological protection continues to mount, and the level of ecological protection urgently needs to be elevated. Therefore, in the future development process, Qinghai Province should continuously promote ecological protection, improve the quality of the ecological environment, and at the same time focus on strengthening economic development and enhancing the level of economic development.


The coupling type and coordination level of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province

The calculation results of the coupling degree, coordination degree, coupling coordination degree and synchronization index of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2020 are shown in Table 3.

Table 3.

Coupling and coordination level of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province.

 C (coupling degree)T (coordination)D (coupling coordination degree)Coupling coordination levelP (synchronizati on Index)Coordination status
20000.91710.31280.5356Reluctantly coordinating2.3255Economically underdeveloped
20050.99150.25840.5062Reluctantly coordinating1.2998Economically underdeveloped
20100.99910.34240.5849Reluctantly coordinating0.9177Interdependent coordination
20150.98230.49470.6971Primary coordination0.6843Ecological protection lagging behind type
20200.99260.67800.8204Good coordination0.7834Ecological protection lagging behind type

Data source: Calculated using formula 4-7, summarized by the author, and plotted using Excel software.

According to Table 3, it can be seen that in 2000-2020 ecological conservation and economic advancement of coupling fluctuations, but smaller fluctuations, rising from 0.9171 in 2000 to 0.9926 in 2020, shows that the ecological conservation and economic advancement influence degree in deepening, coupling degree is close to 1, that the relationship between ecological conservation and economic advancement is very close. The coordination and coupling coordination decline and then rise, which indicates that the coupling coordination between ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province is constantly improving, and the interaction between the synchronization index is decreasing year by year, and the coordination situation shows the development trend of “relatively lagging economic development-mutual coordination-ecological protection”.

Ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai province coupling coordination level is relatively good, from the level gradually into high level, coupling coordination level by reluctantly coordinate into good coordination, coupling coordination is falling after the rising trend, 2000-2005 coupling coordination has smaller decline, possible reason is the western development policy, early developing economy, reduce the ecological protection. After 2005, the degree of coupling coordination has gradually improved, indicating that the better the synergistic effect of ecological conservation and economic advancement, and the higher the level of coupling coordination, which is mainly due to the implementation of the strategy of “ecological province” and the strategy of “one excellent and two high”.

In terms of synchronicity index, from 2.3255 in 2000 to 0.9177 in 2010, the coordination by economic development lag into mutual coordination, shows that ecological conservation and economic advancement more and more consistent, more conducive to sustainable development, but after 2010, with the declining synchronicity index, fell to 0.6843 in 2015, coordination from coordinated into relative backward ecological protection, in developing economy at the same time, also cannot ignore the ecological protection.





The economic advancement of Qinghai province is not only related to the overall situation of the national economic development, but also affects the implementation of the sustainable development of Qinghai Province. The relationship between ecological conservation and economic advancement is a dynamic balance, which needs to promote the sustainable development of economy while protecting the ecological environment. Qinghai Province is situated on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, its natural conditions are relatively harsh than the plain, and the restoration ability of the ecological environment is also poor, which undoubtedly has a serious constraint on economic growth. In addition, the demand for resources from economic development also brings severe challenges to the fragile local ecological environment. Therefore, in correctly handling the coordinated relationship between ecological conservation and economic advancement, we must realize that a good ecological environment is the cornerstone of promoting economic growth, so as to better promote the coordination of ecological conservation and economic advancement towards quality.

With the aim of fostering better coordinated development in ecological protection and high-quality economic growth within Qinghai Province, targeted and effective coordination measures must be implemented. In order to ensure the beauty of the ecological environment, we should improve the level of investment in science and technology, strengthen the research on major scientific and technological issues, actively develop new energy, promote the recycling of resources, so as to enhance the quality of the ecological environment. At the same instant, we should optimize the industrial structure to promote the development of green industries and reduce environmental pollution and damage. In addition, the ecological compensation mechanism should be strengthened, and enterprises and individuals should be encouraged to actively participate in ecological protection activities through policy guidance and financial support. In terms of economic development, Qinghai province should rely on its unique resource advantages and geographical position to vigorously develop characteristic industries and advantageous industries, such as plateau characteristic agriculture and tourism. At the same time, we should focus on improving people’s living standards and enhancing the internal driving force for economic development. In addition, regional cooperation should be strengthened to realize resource sharing and complementary advantages, and promote the high-quality economic development of Qinghai Province. In the context of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality, take the road of green, circular and low-carbon development, and finally realize the development of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai province to the direction of high-quality coupling and coordination.



This paper constructs evaluation index systems for ecological conservation and economic advancement separately, adopts the entropy method based on the time series data of Qinghai province from 2000 to 2020, on the basis of the comprehensive evaluation index model to evaluate the ecological conservation and economic advancement of 20 years, and further use the coupling coordination model analysis of the timing changes of the two systems, get the following conclusions:

  • (1) During 2000-2020, Qinghai Province showed a positive development trend in ecological conservation and economic advancement, and the comprehensive score of ecological protection ability displayed a trend of initial increase followed by a decrease, from 0.4374 in 2000 to 0.2921 in 2005, then rose to 0.5957, while the comprehensive score of economic development showed a rising trend, from 0.1881 to 0.7604.

  • (2) The coupling and coordination between ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province is relatively good and is in the rising stage, gradually changing from a medium level to a high level. From the perspective of time sequence, the coupling and coordination of the two systems in Qinghai Province has experienced the evolution process of forced coordination-primary coordination and good coordination.

  • (3) During the research period, the synchronization index of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province kept declining, and the coupling and coordination situation showed a development trend of “relatively lagging type of economic development-mutual coordination-relative lag type of ecological protection”.


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Xiwu Hu and Jing Xu "Research on the coupling coordination of ecological conservation and economic advancement in Qinghai Province under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality", Proc. SPIE 13279, Fifth International Conference on Green Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development (GEESD 2024) , 132793Q (26 September 2024);
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