20 January 2025 Optimization analysis of the distribution path for hybrid vehicle-drone emergency medical supplies in the event of natural disaster
Haidong Huang, Guanxiang Zhang, Bingning Wang
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Proceedings Volume 13422, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City (ITSSC 2024); 134220Z (2025)
Event: Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City (ITSSC 2024), 2024, Xi'an, China
Emergency medical supplies have challenges related to promptness and expenses associated with transportation during natural catastrophes. Utilizing drone delivery is a key approach to address the complete logistical problem. Thus, to enhance the efficient spread of emergency medication, this study suggests a cooperative distribution approach called "vehicle-drone." The model makes use of a different two-level distribution model: materials are delivered by drone from the regional disaster centers to the related disaster points at the second level, and materials are delivered by vehicles from the first-level distribution center to the regional disaster centers and the edge areas at the first level. The OPTICS-FCM algorithm groups the regional catastrophe centers together and assigns them as secondary distribution centers. The classic particle swarm technique is used to optimize the course of the vehicle, but the Adaptive Elite Genetic technique (AEGA) is employed to optimize the path of the drone, considering time window restrictions and limitations in the drone's range. Given the simulation results, the "vehicle-drone" cooperative distribution model may effectively address the challenges associated with medical emergency distributions. It achieved this by reducing both the time and cost involved compared to the traditional single-vehicle distribution approach.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Haidong Huang, Guanxiang Zhang, and Bingning Wang "Optimization analysis of the distribution path for hybrid vehicle-drone emergency medical supplies in the event of natural disaster", Proc. SPIE 13422, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City (ITSSC 2024), 134220Z (20 January 2025);
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Natural disasters


Detection and tracking algorithms

Particle swarm optimization

Genetic algorithms

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