30 May 1995 Vesicle size measurement by static light scattering: a Fourier cosine transform approach
Jianhong Wang, F. Ross Hallett
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Based on the Rayleigh-Gans-Debye thin shell approximation, a fast Fourier cosine transform method was developed to retrieve vesicle size distributions directly from the light scattering measurement. The method was tested numerically mainly on the scattering data generated by the exact Mie solution for isotropic vesicles. Monomodal and bimodal Gaussian distributions were used to represent vesicles with radii ranging from 0.05 micrometers to 0.5 micrometers . The recovered distributions were in good aggreement with the original distributions. Peak positions were recovered within 10% of the original ones, even when 20% random error was added to the simulated data. Noise tolerance of this method was much higher for large vesicles than for small vesicles. The effect of the refractive index of the medium was also investigated using the simulated data. To study the effect of the optical anisotropy of the membrane on the recovery, the exact Mie solution for anisotropic hollow spheres was used to simulate scattered intensity data. The recovered distributions in this case were slightly shifted towards small radii from the original ones.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jianhong Wang and F. Ross Hallett "Vesicle size measurement by static light scattering: a Fourier cosine transform approach", Proc. SPIE 2389, Optical Tomography, Photon Migration, and Spectroscopy of Tissue and Model Media: Theory, Human Studies, and Instrumentation, (30 May 1995);
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Light scattering

Mie scattering


Refractive index

Fourier transforms


Optical testing


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