29 June 1998 Spectral and spatial-angular characteristics of pulse-periodic flashlamp-pumped dye laser
M. I. Dzyubenko, Vyacheslav V. Maslov, Viktor P. Pelipenko, Valeriy V. Shevchenko
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Proceedings Volume 3403, International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers II; (1998)
Event: International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers, 1997, Tomsk, Russian Federation
The spectral-energy characteristics and the spatial-angular distribution (SAD) of the radiation from a pulse-periodic flashlamp-pumped dye laser with a polarizing interference filter (PIF) was studied experimentally. The laser radiation SADs were measured for alcohol, aqueous and combined solutions. We showed that aqueous solutions, in particular, that of the coumarin 120 inclusion complex with (beta) - cyclodextrin provide a high directivity, a rather uniform distribution of the radiation across the beam, and a comparatively high laser efficiency for both the nonselective cavity and for those with the PIF. This is why these solutions may be used for the pulse-periodic operating modes. Relatively small radiation divergence is obtained for the small dye concentrations only when an alcohol or combined solutions is used, and the achieved laser efficiency is not high though. A system with the polarizing interference filters had been examined demonstrating a smooth tuning of the laser wavelength over the whole visible range (the laser dye had been changed).
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. I. Dzyubenko, Vyacheslav V. Maslov, Viktor P. Pelipenko, and Valeriy V. Shevchenko "Spectral and spatial-angular characteristics of pulse-periodic flashlamp-pumped dye laser", Proc. SPIE 3403, International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers II, (29 June 1998); Logo
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Dye lasers


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