8 March 1999 Using machine vision to estimate bird weight in the poultry industry
Roberto Alencar Lotufo, Miguel Taube-Netto, Eduardo Conejo, Francisco Javier de Hoyos
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This work describes a real-time continuous broiler weighting system based on machine vision, used for size sort planning in a process plant. We demonstrate that this technology can be used successfully as an alternative to classical electromechanical carcasses weighting system. A digitized silhouette image of the carcass hung by its feet is divided in six regions: the legs, the wings, the neck and the breast. Once the parts are separated, their individual areas are measured and used in a polynomial equation that predicts the overall bird weight. A sample of 1400 birds were collected, labeled and weighted in a precision scale, in different days and different hours. We found an error standard deviation of 78 grams for broilers weighing from 750 to 2100 grams. The morphological image processing algorithms demonstrated to be robust to extract the individual parts of the carcass.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Roberto Alencar Lotufo, Miguel Taube-Netto, Eduardo Conejo, and Francisco Javier de Hoyos "Using machine vision to estimate bird weight in the poultry industry", Proc. SPIE 3652, Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection VII, (8 March 1999); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation

Computing systems

Machine vision


Binary data

Image processing

Computer vision technology

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