2 June 1999 Steady-state sinusoidal behavior of elastomeric dampers
Vijay Madhavan, Norman M. Wereley, Thierry Sieg
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This paper presents an experimental and analytical investigation of an elastomeric damping material and assesses its potential application to stability augmentation of hingeless and bearingless helicopter rotors. Double lap shear specimens were tested on a servo-hydraulic testing machine. Single frequency sinusoidal tests were conducted over a strain amplitude range of 0 - 30% at three frequencies (lag/rev, 1/rev and a lower harmonic of the rotor). The frequencies were chosen such that the effect of the damper in mitigating instability phenomena, like ground and air resonance, could be analyzed. The effects of frequency, amplitude, pre-load and material self-heating were studied. A three-element mechanisms-based damper model was developed that accurately captures the energy dissipation and hysteresis behavior of the damper. The model incorporates a linear stiffness, viscous damping and a non-linear slip element that are placed in parallel to each other. The parameters of the model were identified using an LMS technique. The model was validated by reconstructing measured hysteresis cycles using these parameters.
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Vijay Madhavan, Norman M. Wereley, and Thierry Sieg "Steady-state sinusoidal behavior of elastomeric dampers", Proc. SPIE 3672, Smart Structures and Materials 1999: Passive Damping and Isolation, (2 June 1999);
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Data modeling


Analytical research

Data acquisition

System identification

Optimization (mathematics)

Thermal effects

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