4 November 1999 Hologram-guided target designation
Nasrullah Khan, Mohammad Juliana
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Proceedings Volume 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and Manufacturing; (1999)
Event: International Symposium on Photonics and Applications, 1999, Singapore, Singapore
A passive hologram guided target designation is more superior than simple matrix or image guided system due to its 3D target acquisition and recognition. To implement this criterion a target hologram was loaded into onboard optics that was a part of a dynamic scanning system. The observed data was compared with onboard target hologram and found that the system accuracy was better than the conventional systems. To make the carrier invisible multi-layer coating were used that resulted in perfect concealing of the carrier. Once the target acquisition is compete the locking system stops further comparison and reorients the carrier direction on to the target. This paper critically overviews general principles involved and experimental furtherance in the field of optically guided target designators. There is say that a perfect control of the electromagnetic spectrum can close the eyes or ears and renders the defence blind and deaf. Normally laser and fiber optic guided missiles ar more popular than the conventional guided missiles but our proposed hologram guidance approach is likely to establish its own technical distinct and novelty.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nasrullah Khan and Mohammad Juliana "Hologram-guided target designation", Proc. SPIE 3898, Photonic Systems and Applications in Defense and Manufacturing, (4 November 1999);
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