29 May 2002 Advanced image processing method applied to speckle fringe pattern based on wavelet transform
Hong Miao, Zhenyu Jiang, Kemao Qian, Xiaoping Wu
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Proceedings Volume 4537, Third International Conference on Experimental Mechanics; (2002)
Event: Third International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2002, Beijing, China
In this paper, an advanced image processing method, the discrete dyadic wavelet transform based non-linear filtering method applied to speckle fringe pattern, is presented. By this method, an image can be expanded to a series of sub-images according to their frequency band. The different filtering skills will be applied to the sub-images and the rebuilt image will keep the original characteristic except the speckle noise. For example, it can keep the border of the object in the fringe pattern clearly after filtering the speckle noise. Compare with the other kind of wavelet transforms, the Discrete Dyadic Wavelet Transform need not decreasing sample the original image, so the distortion of the rebuilt image can be greatly avoided. The principle of the dyadic discrete wavelet transform is introduced first, and then a practical algorithm to reduce the speckle noise of a fringe pattern is given. At last part of this paper, a computer simulation result processed by this method is presented.
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Hong Miao, Zhenyu Jiang, Kemao Qian, and Xiaoping Wu "Advanced image processing method applied to speckle fringe pattern based on wavelet transform", Proc. SPIE 4537, Third International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, (29 May 2002);
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Wavelet transforms

Fringe analysis

Image filtering

Image processing

Linear filtering

Computer simulations


Speckle noise reduction in TV holography
Proceedings of SPIE (February 05 1996)
Adaptive boxcar/wavelet transform
Proceedings of SPIE (January 19 2009)
Hard-switching adaptive filter for speckle image processing
Proceedings of SPIE (September 24 1998)

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