16 May 2003 Vacuum state squeezing versus squeezed classical noise: a test using conditional homodyne detection
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Proceedings Volume 5111, Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics; (2003)
Event: SPIE's First International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise, 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Measurement of the squeezed fluctuations of an optical field by the method of conditional homodyne detection is discussed. It is shown that conditional homodyne detection is able to distinguish qualitatively between vacuum-state squeezing and squeezed classical noise. Whereas for conventional squeezed-light detection, only a quantitative distinction can be made, based on the setting of the shot-noise level, under conditional detection, the presence of classical noise changes the actual shape of the measured correlation function. The correlations show a positive peak due to the unsqeezed classical noise frequencies, set inside the negative dip associated with the squeezed fluctuations. The width in time of the positive peak is the larger of the detector response time and the inverse of the classical noise bandwidth. The fundamental distinction between vacuum-state squeezing and squeezed classical noise is that there is no positive peak, even in the limiting form of a delta-function, when the unsqueezed frequencies correspond to vacuum state modes. Implications for the literal interpretation of vacuum fluctuations, such as is adopted in stochastic electrodynamics, are discussed. The ideas are presented in general terms and illustrated by an example which treats the generation and detection of broadband squeezed light, including finite-bandwidth classical noise, within the framework of the quantum trajectory theory of cascaded open systems.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Howard J. Carmichael "Vacuum state squeezing versus squeezed classical noise: a test using conditional homodyne detection", Proc. SPIE 5111, Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics, (16 May 2003); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Homodyne detection

Stochastic processes


Correlation function

Beam splitters

Signal detection



Optical measurements using projection synthesis
Proceedings of SPIE (July 06 1998)
Squeezed States
Proceedings of SPIE (January 01 1987)

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