4 November 2004 Planar sets of cross x-ray refractive lenses from SU-8 polymer
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Sets of planar SU-8 cross lenses focusing in two directions have been fabricated by tilted deep X-ray lithography using an X-ray mask with tilted absorber structures. The profile of the absorber structures on the mask take into account the lithographic peculiarities of SU-8 resist to reproduce the designed profile of the lens elements exactly. The cross lenses are placed on one substrate and have identical focal distances, which allow to scan the spectral range from 5 keV to 30 keV by stepping the lens substrate from one lens to the next. Another set of cross lenses was developed with different quasi-parabolic profiles to obtain a large focus depth (up to several centimeters) with uniform intensity distribution in the micron focal spot. This together with the stepping possibilities between lenses satisfies the requirement of static spectroscopy experiments. For the truncated parabolic profile, these cross lenses consist of separate segments arranged in a new mosaic form. In comparison with the known “fern”-like kinoform profile, the lenses have been developed with smaller gain loss. The testing of the new sets have been performed at the undulator ID-18F and ID-22 beamlines (ESRF, Grenoble, France) and the experimental results are compared to simulations.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vladimir P. Nazmov, Elena F. Reznikova, Andrea Somogyi, Jurgen Mohr, and Volker Saile "Planar sets of cross x-ray refractive lenses from SU-8 polymer", Proc. SPIE 5539, Design and Microfabrication of Novel X-Ray Optics II, (4 November 2004); Logo
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X-ray lithography



X-ray optics

Chemical elements


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