25 August 2005 Performance analysis of multi-object wave-front sensing concepts for GLAO
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Adaptive optics enable large telescopes to provide diffraction limited images, but their corrected field is restrained by the angular decorrelation of the turbulent wave-fronts. However many scientific goals would benefit a wide and uniformly corrected field, even with a partial correction. Ground Layer Adaptive Optics systems are supposed to provide such a correction by compensating the lower part of the atmosphere only. Indeed this layer is in the same time highly turbulent and isoplanatic on a rather wide field. In such a system the wave-front analysis is a critical issue. Measuring the ground layer turbulence requires multi-object wave-front analysis. Two multi-object wave-front sensing concepts have been proposed so far, derived from multi conjugate adaptive optics. They are the star oriented and the layer oriented approaches. A criterion for the analytical study of both concepts performance had been proposed in a previous presentation. First results on the behavior one can expect from one concept or the other had been given then. Here is presented a study made by improving the analytical model and completing its results with the ones of a numerical model which accounts for AO limitations that are uneasy to insert in an analytical formalism. Results are presented that highlight the advantages and drawbacks of each wave-front sensing concepts and the interest of optimizing them.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Nicolle, T. Fusco, V. Michau, G. Rousset, and J.-L. Beuzit "Performance analysis of multi-object wave-front sensing concepts for GLAO", Proc. SPIE 5903, Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems and Applications II, 59030T (25 August 2005); Logo
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