10 March 2006 3D ultrasound image guidance system used in RF uterine adenoma and uterine bleeding ablation system
Mingyue Ding, Xiaoan Luo, Chao Cai, Chengping Zhou, Aaron Fenster
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Uterine adenoma and uterine bleeding are the two most prevalent diseases in Chinese women. Many women lose their fertility from these diseases. Currently, a minimally invasive ablation system using an RF button electrode is being used in Chinese hospitals to destroy tumor cells or stop bleeding. In this paper, we report on a 3D US guidance system developed to avoid accidents or death of the patient by inaccurate localization of the tumor position during treatment. A 3D US imaging system using a rotational scanning approach of an abdominal probe was built. In order to reduce the distortion produced when the rotational axis is not collinear with the central beam of the probe, a new 3D reconstruction algorithm is used. Then, a fast 3D needle segmentation algorithm is used to find the electrode. Finally, the tip of electrode is determined along the segmented 3D needle and the whole electrode is displayed. Experiments with a water phantom demonstrated the feasibility of our approach.
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Mingyue Ding, Xiaoan Luo, Chao Cai, Chengping Zhou, and Aaron Fenster "3D ultrasound image guidance system used in RF uterine adenoma and uterine bleeding ablation system", Proc. SPIE 6141, Medical Imaging 2006: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, 61410T (10 March 2006); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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3D image processing

Image segmentation

Reconstruction algorithms

3D image reconstruction

Imaging systems


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