10 May 2007 Nonlinear histogram binning for quantitative analysis of lung tissue fibrosis in high-resolution CT data
Vanessa A. Zavaletta, Brian J. Bartholmai M.D., Richard A. Robb
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Diffuse lung diseases, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), can be characterized and quantified by analysis of volumetric high resolution CT scans of the lungs. These data sets typically have dimensions of 512 x 512 x 400. It is too subjective and labor intensive for a radiologist to analyze each slice and quantify regional abnormalities manually. Thus, computer aided techniques are necessary, particularly texture analysis techniques which classify various lung tissue types. Second and higher order statistics which relate the spatial variation of the intensity values are good discriminatory features for various textures. The intensity values in lung CT scans range between [-1024, 1024]. Calculation of second order statistics on this range is too computationally intensive so the data is typically binned between 16 or 32 gray levels. There are more effective ways of binning the gray level range to improve classification. An optimal and very efficient way to nonlinearly bin the histogram is to use a dynamic programming algorithm. The objective of this paper is to show that nonlinear binning using dynamic programming is computationally efficient and improves the discriminatory power of the second and higher order statistics for more accurate quantification of diffuse lung disease.
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Vanessa A. Zavaletta, Brian J. Bartholmai M.D., and Richard A. Robb "Nonlinear histogram binning for quantitative analysis of lung tissue fibrosis in high-resolution CT data", Proc. SPIE 6511, Medical Imaging 2007: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images, 65111Q (10 May 2007); Logo
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