3 September 2008 A thermo/opto/mechanical testbed validation using Cielo
Mike Chainyk, Claus Hoff, Eric Larour, Greg Moore, John Schiermeier
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Due to their scale, operating environment, and required levels of operating precision, the design of the next generation of space-based observatories will necessarily place an ever-greater reliance on numerical simulation. Since it will be impossible to fully ground-test such systems prior to flight, system-level confidence must come, in large part, from correlated subsystem tests, system-level simulation, and an overall design understanding based on quantification of margins of uncertainty, sensitivity analyses, parameter variation studies, and design optimization. Further challenges will necessarily arise due to the actively-controlled nature of such systems, requiring fundamentally-integrated thermal, structural, optical, and controls models. In this paper we will discuss Cielo, JPL's multidisciplinary, high-capability compute platform for systems analysis, and describe some of the challenges in demonstrating these capabilities for the first time on a complex model, the Space Interferometry Mission's Thermal-Structural-Optical (SIM-TOM3) testbed. The successes and lessons learned from these activities have the potential to greatly influence subsequent test programs, leading to greater design understanding, improved mission confidence, and significant cost and schedule reductions.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mike Chainyk, Claus Hoff, Eric Larour, Greg Moore, and John Schiermeier "A thermo/opto/mechanical testbed validation using Cielo", Proc. SPIE 7071, An Optical Believe It or Not: Key Lessons Learned, 70710F (3 September 2008);
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