30 April 2009 Discrete event command and control for networked teams with multiple missions
Frank L. Lewis, Greg Robert Hudas, Chee Khiang Pang, Matthew B. Middleton, Christopher McMurrough
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During mission execution in military applications, the TRADOC Pamphlet 525-66 Battle Command and Battle Space Awareness capabilities prescribe expectations that networked teams will perform in a reliable manner under changing mission requirements, varying resource availability and reliability, and resource faults. In this paper, a Command and Control (C2) structure is presented that allows for computer-aided execution of the networked team decision-making process, control of force resources, shared resource dispatching, and adaptability to change based on battlefield conditions. A mathematically justified networked computing environment is provided called the Discrete Event Control (DEC) Framework. DEC has the ability to provide the logical connectivity among all team participants including mission planners, field commanders, war-fighters, and robotic platforms. The proposed data management tools are developed and demonstrated on a simulation study and an implementation on a distributed wireless sensor network. The results show that the tasks of multiple missions are correctly sequenced in real-time, and that shared resources are suitably assigned to competing tasks under dynamically changing conditions without conflicts and bottlenecks.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Frank L. Lewis, Greg Robert Hudas, Chee Khiang Pang, Matthew B. Middleton, and Christopher McMurrough "Discrete event command and control for networked teams with multiple missions", Proc. SPIE 7332, Unmanned Systems Technology XI, 73320V (30 April 2009); Logo
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