17 June 2009 Development of a high resolution pattern projection system using linescan cameras
B. Denkena, P. Huke
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The development of a modified stripe-pattern projection system that uses linescan cameras is presented. The system measures complex-shaped sheet metal parts (>3 m2) and enables the detection of dents (>30 μm) and other defects. Therefore, the measurement system is moved and the parts are scanned line by line. The parallel investigation of a simulation environment in order to optimize the system is shown. The simulation combines optical ray tracing based on the matrix formalism [1] and projective transformation to get an image equivalent to the measured image in the laboratory setup. In order to extract the object's shape from the measured and the simulated line Fourier-Profilometry is used [2]. Therefore a FFT is applied to the data. The power spectra show a central frequency phase modulated with the object's shape. A filtering algorithm, an IFFT and a phase unwrapping algorithm deliver the shape. Both, experimental data and results from the simulation are shown and the noise effects are considered.
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B. Denkena and P. Huke "Development of a high resolution pattern projection system using linescan cameras", Proc. SPIE 7389, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VI, 73890F (17 June 2009); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Projection systems


Line scan image sensors

Optical testing


Ray tracing


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