29 March 2010 Characterization of the effects of base additives on a fullerene chemically amplified resist
Jedsada Manyam, Mayandithevar Manickam, Jon A. Preece, Richard E. Palmer, Alex P. Robinson
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Molecular resists are of increasing interest as a route to improving the resolution - line width roughness - sensitivity trade-off of resists for next generation lithography. We have previously presented a three component fullerene derivative based negative tone chemically amplified resist capable of ~12 nm sparse feature size, ~20 nm half pitch, sub 5 nm line width roughness, sub 10 μC/cm2 sensitivity, and high etch durability with electron beam lithography. In order to further improve the performance of the resist we have studied the use of acid quenchers on the performance of the resist. We evaluated six quenching additives including five base additives and a triphenylsulfonium photoacid generator that also shows a quenching effect. The sensitivity and resolution of the resist were evaluated as the proportion of the quencher was varied with respect to the other resist components. Certain quenchers were seen to strongly suppress the sensitivity of the resist, even at low concentrations, whilst an amide base actually enhanced the sensitivity at the cost of resolution. Improvements over the previous best feature width and half pitch were not achieved, but it was possible to reduce the effects of beam defocusing on sidewall angle indicating an improvement in contrast for certain additives.
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Jedsada Manyam, Mayandithevar Manickam, Jon A. Preece, Richard E. Palmer, and Alex P. Robinson "Characterization of the effects of base additives on a fullerene chemically amplified resist", Proc. SPIE 7639, Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXVII, 76391N (29 March 2010); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Chemically amplified resists

Line width roughness

Electron beam lithography

Electron beams



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