28 July 2014 Simulations of high-z galaxy observations with an ELT-MOS
Karen Disseau, Mathieu Puech, Hector Flores, François Hammer, Yanbin Yang, Laura Pentericci
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We present simulated observations of one of the major science cases for the 39m E-ELT, namely the detection of very high-z galaxies. We simulated the detection of UV interstellar lines at z = 7 and the detection of the Lyman alpha line and the Lyman break at z = 9, both with MOAO-assisted IFUs and GLAO-fed fibers. These simulations are performed with the scientific simulator we developped in the frame of the E-ELT phase A studies. First, we give a functional description of this simulator, which is coupled to a public web interface WEBSIM, and we then give an example of its practical use to constrain the high level specifications of MOSAIC, a new multi-object spectrograph concept for the E-ELT. Our simulations show that the most constraining case is the detection of UV interstellar lines. The optimal pixel size is found to be ~80 mas, which allows detecting UV lines up to JAB ~27 in 40 hours of integration time. Lyman Alpha Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies are detected respectively up to JAB ~30 and JAB ~28 with a 80 mas/pixel IFU and within only 10 hours of integration time. Detection limits are typically ~0.5-1 mag fainter using MOAO-fed IFUs than using GLAO-fed fibers, but the multiplex is one magnitude larger in the mode using GLAO-fed fibers. We explore the optimal observational strategy for each observing mode considering these observing limits as well as the expected target densities.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Karen Disseau, Mathieu Puech, Hector Flores, François Hammer, Yanbin Yang, and Laura Pentericci "Simulations of high-z galaxy observations with an ELT-MOS", Proc. SPIE 9147, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 914791 (28 July 2014); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Galactic astronomy

Point spread functions

Signal to noise ratio

Ultraviolet radiation

Device simulation


Adaptive optics


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