4 August 2014 Chilean Virtual Observatory services implementation for the ALMA public data
Jonathan Antognini, Mauricio Solar, Jorge Ibsen, Mauricio Araya, Lars Nyman, Diego Mardones, Camilo Valenzuela, Patricio Ramirez, Christopher Fernandez, Mario Garces
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The success of an observatory is usually measured by its impact in the scientific community, so a common objective is to provide transparent ways to access the generated data. The Chilean Virtual Observatory (ChiVO), started working in the implementation of a prototype, in collaboration with ALMA, considering the current needs of the Chilean astronomical community, in addition to the protocols and standards of IVOA, and the comparison of different existing data access toolkit services. Based on this efforts, a VO prototype was designed and implemented for the ALMA large scale of data.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jonathan Antognini, Mauricio Solar, Jorge Ibsen, Mauricio Araya, Lars Nyman, Diego Mardones, Camilo Valenzuela, Patricio Ramirez, Christopher Fernandez, and Mario Garces "Chilean Virtual Observatory services implementation for the ALMA public data", Proc. SPIE 9152, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy III, 91522P (4 August 2014);
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Data modeling

Visible radiation

Infrared telescopes

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