1 June 2015 An integrated micromechanical large particle in flow sorter (MILPIS)
Nurul Mohd Fuad, Joanna Skommer, Timo Friedrich, Jan Kaslin, Donald Wlodkowic
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Proceedings Volume 9518, Bio-MEMS and Medical Microdevices II; 951814 (2015)
Event: SPIE Microtechnologies, 2015, Barcelona, Spain
At present, the major hurdle to widespread deployment of zebrafish embryo and larvae in large-scale drug development projects is lack of enabling high-throughput analytical platforms. In order to spearhead drug discovery with the use of zebrafish as a model, platforms need to integrate automated pre-test sorting of organisms (to ensure quality control and standardization) and their in-test positioning (suitable for high-content imaging) with modules for flexible drug delivery. The major obstacle hampering sorting of millimetre sized particles such as zebrafish embryos on chip-based devices is their substantial diameter (above one millimetre), mass (above one milligram), which both lead to rapid gravitational-induced sedimentation and high inertial forces. Manual procedures associated with sorting hundreds of embryos are very monotonous and as such prone to significant analytical errors due to operator’s fatigue. In this work, we present an innovative design of a micromechanical large particle in-flow sorter (MILPIS) capable of analysing, sorting and dispensing living zebrafish embryos for drug discovery applications. The system consisted of a microfluidic network, revolving micromechanical receptacle actuated by robotic servomotor and opto-electronic sensing module. The prototypes were fabricated in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) transparent thermoplastic using infrared laser micromachining. Elements of MILPIS were also fabricated in an optically transparent VisiJet resin using 3D stereolithography (SLA) processes (ProJet 7000HD, 3D Systems). The device operation was based on a rapidly revolving miniaturized mechanical receptacle. The latter function was to hold and position individual fish embryos for (i) interrogation, (ii) sorting decision-making and (iii) physical sorting..The system was designed to separate between fertilized (LIVE) and non-fertilized (DEAD) eggs, based on optical transparency using infrared (IR) emitters and receivers embedded in the system. Digital oscilloscope were used to distinguish the diffraction signals from IR sensors when both LIVE and DEAD embryos were flow through in the chip. Image process analysis were also used as detection module to track DEAD embryos as it flowed in the channel.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nurul Mohd Fuad, Joanna Skommer, Timo Friedrich, Jan Kaslin, and Donald Wlodkowic "An integrated micromechanical large particle in flow sorter (MILPIS)", Proc. SPIE 9518, Bio-MEMS and Medical Microdevices II, 951814 (1 June 2015); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Infrared detectors

Infrared radiation

Infrared sensors

Computer aided design

Drug discovery


Behavior of Si:As and Si:Sb detectors in space
Proceedings of SPIE (July 07 2006)
Computer Aided Sensor Design Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE (October 28 1985)

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