Employing fast response, Cu-doped (K0.5Na0.5)0.2(Sr0.75 Ba0.25)0.9Nb2O6 (KNSBN) crystals in modifying ITO coating to
support visible surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) to strengthen nonlinearity in KNSBN, we found: (1) a 2 dimensional
diffraction pattern was observed with only two writing beams; (2) The reflectivity on the very first surface was changed
2.3%, equivalent to 0.023 refractive index change; (3) 3.0% energy transferring to the reflection on the first surface was
measured, resulting unambiguously from energy transferring in subwavelength scale. All these results are consist with
our theoretical consideration based on phase grating mediation SPP excitation, which is promising in designing photonic