25 February 2016 Perfect absorber metamaterial for real time detection and recognition of micro-poisons in aqueous solutions and atmosphere using millimeter wavelength spectroscopy
A. Abramovich, D. Rotshild, M. Ochana, D. Rozban
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Metamaterials are artificial materials not exist in the nature. They are also known as Left Handed Material (LHM) in which both the permeability and permittivity are negative. A perfect absorber metamaterial for millimeter wavelength can be artificially tailored and manufactured as two dimensional matrixes of metal shapes on a dielectric substrate. Those perfect absorbers metamaterial can be designed to be frequency selective with high Q property. In This study we present a new method that can provide real-time response by combining advanced spectroscopy methods in millimeter Wavelength (MMW) regime and perfect absorber metamaterial. This method is based on very inexpensive perfect absorber metamaterial, with a high Q factor. It was realized by printed metal shapes on FR4 substrate with ground plane on the bottom. The resonance frequency of the perfect absorber will be determined according to the geometrical metal shape dimensions and the dielectric constant of the substrate. The spectral measurements were carried out using high resolution coherence THz spectroscopy system. Due to the perfect absorber sensitivity and its high Q property, the perfect absorber metamaterial is very sensitive to environmental micro-poisons, which influence its resonance frequency. Using a high-resolution spectroscopy system it is possible to detect and quantify this influence. In this study we present very promising experimental results of Malathion detection using perfect absorber metamaterial. The manufacturing of such perfect absorber metamaterial was carried out using the well-known and very inexpensive PCB technology.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Abramovich, D. Rotshild, M. Ochana, and D. Rozban "Perfect absorber metamaterial for real time detection and recognition of micro-poisons in aqueous solutions and atmosphere using millimeter wavelength spectroscopy", Proc. SPIE 9747, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications IX, 97470O (25 February 2016);
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Spectral resolution


Extremely high frequency

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