A fast, low-loss optical switch would be a powerful tool for photonic quantum technologies, allowing the implementation of, for example, rapid quantum logic gates, loop memories, and improved heralded single photon sources. Integration into optical fibre promises an avenue to future scalability, but existing optical switches cannot achieve both high speed and high efficiency.
Here I present two routes to fibre-integrated, low -loss and fast optical switching. The first uses the acousto-optic effect in a tapered fibre. We demonstrate that light in the tapered region of the fibre can be coupled between optical modes by an acoustic wave, which introduces a phase-shift.
The second route is by a two-photon transition in rubidium vapour. A strong control field modulates the mode of a weak signal field. We demonstrate this effect with low loss (1dB) and on short timescales (100MHz) in bulk optics, and work towards a fibre-integrated vapour cell.