A Study of THz spin dynamics was performed in a single crystal of antiferromagnetic TbFeO3. Terbium orthoferrite exhibits magnetic phase transition of the Jahn-Teller type resulting in simultaneous rotation of both iron spins and terbium orbital moments and even leading to the emergence of a multiferroic state. A single-cycle THz pulse, generated in the LiNbO3 crystal, is used as a driven torque. The temperature-dependent measurements, across the phase transition region, revealed, that apart from the expected coexistence of two well-distinguished modes of antiferromagnetic resonance at 650 GHz and 450 GHz, near the phase transition temperature, the lower frequency mode bandwidth widens significantly with a subsequent increase of the spectral weight. The widening effect, revealed near the transition temperature, is due to the strong interaction between Tb-Fe sublattices. The interaction is increasing at lower temperatures so that the dynamics, detected in the Fe-sublattice, are mainly governed by the Tb-sublattice. Surprisingly, near the transition point, even lover frequency modes (~150 GHz), assigned to the impurity modes, were observed.