Open Access
19 December 2023 Quantifying tissue properties and absolute hemodynamics using coherent spatial imaging
Christian Crouzet, Cody E. Dunn, Bernard Choi
Author Affiliations +


Measuring hemodynamic function is crucial for health assessment. Optical signals provide relative hemoglobin concentration changes, but absolute measurements require costly, bulky technology. Speckleplethysmography (SPG) uses coherent light to detect speckle fluctuations. Combining SPG with multispectral measurements may provide important physiological information on blood flow and absolute hemoglobin concentration.


To develop an affordable optical technology to measure tissue absorption, scattering, hemoglobin concentrations, tissue oxygen saturation (StO2), and blood flow.


We integrated reflectance spectroscopy and laser speckle imaging to create coherent spatial imaging (CSI). CSI was validated against spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) using phantom-based measurements. In vivo arterial and venous occlusion experiments compared CSI with diffuse optical spectroscopy/diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DOS/DCS) measurements.


CSI and SFDI agreed on tissue absorption and scattering in phantom tests. CSI and DOS/DCS showed similar trends and agreement in arterial occlusion results. During venous occlusion, both uncorrected and corrected blood flow decreased with increasing pressure, with an 200% difference in overall blood flow decrease between the methods. CSI and DOS/DCS data showed expected hemoglobin concentrations, StO2, and blood flow trends.


CSI provides affordable and comprehensive hemodynamic information. It can potentially detect dysfunction and improve measurements, such as blood pressure, SpO2, and metabolism.



Optical signals use absorption contrast to quantify hemodynamic information, such as the photoplethysmogram (PPG), which detects absorption changes due to variations in blood volume with each heart contraction. PPG is commonly used in pulse oximetry to estimate arterial blood oxygen saturation (SaO2).1,2 Pulse oximetry has become the primary optical technique for continuous patient monitoring in various settings, such as the intensive care unit3,4 and the emergency room.5 However, PPG’s accuracy is limited during hypothermia, circulatory shock, motion, and in the presence of melanin.6 Speckleplethysmography (SPG) is a new technology that uses laser speckle imaging (LSI) to examine pulsatile blood flow and may overcome the limitations associated with traditional pulse oximetry.79 We previously demonstrated that the SPG signal at a single wavelength has an signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 40 times greater than the PPG signal and readily resolves the pulsatile blood flow waveform.10 Furthermore, the SPG signal is more resilient to the effects of epidermal melanin than the PPG signal.11,12 Incorporating SPG into devices with a pulse oximetry format could provide blood flow information. However, tissue optical properties can affect LSI, and hence SPG’s accuracy.13,14 Incorporating optical property measurements with LSI may produce a more quantitative blood flow measurement.15,16

In addition, optical techniques can measure relative hemoglobin concentrations using relative absorption changes from light, but cannot quantify absolute hemoglobin concentrations without making assumptions about the tissue scattering and differential path factor. These assumptions can drastically influence absolute measurements of blood volume and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2).17 Technological advancements, such as time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS),18 frequency-domain NIRS,19 and spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI),20 can account for optical properties but are typically expensive and bulky. Spatially resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (srDRS) exploits point illumination and reflectance measurements at multiple source–detector separations to provide quantitative estimates of optical properties and can measure absolute hemoglobin concentrations and StO2.21 There are two primary form factors for srDRS: contact fiber probe21 and non-contact camera sensors.22 The former has limited source–detector separations due to using individual optical fibers. The latter enables high spatial resolution measurements, and with recent miniaturization in component size, it offers the possibility of integration into suitably small devices. A recent low-cost, wearable device uses srDRS principles to quantify tissue optical properties using a camera-based sensor.23,24 This approach enables the measurement of absolute hemoglobin concentrations but not quantitative blood flow. Combining srDRS and LSI can overcome this limitation and provide optical property-corrected blood flow measurements.15,16

In this work, we aimed to measure absolute tissue absorption (μa), tissue scattering (μs), oxy- ([HbO2]) and deoxy-hemoglobin ([Hb]) concentrations, StO2, and blood flow using a low-cost device with a footprint similar to pulse oximeters to provide additional quantifiable metrics that pulse oximetry does not measure. We achieved this aim by creating coherent spatial imaging (CSI), which combines srDRS and LSI. CSI was validated through phantom-based optical property measurements and in vivo arterial and venous occlusions.


Materials and Methods

We developed a first-generation CSI device by combining srDRS and LSI principles. The device [Fig. 1(a)] comprises of (1) control hardware with an off-the-shelf camera shield (Arducam, Hong Kong) and a custom printed circuit board (PCB) to control the light source circuitry and (2) a sensor probe with a camera sensor and custom PCB with light sources. The sensor probe measures 20  mm×18  mm×16  mm and employs three wavelengths (660, 740, and 850 nm) to distinguish [HbO2] and [Hb]. The 850 nm wavelength is a VCSEL to measure SPG and blood flow using LSI. The frame rate of the camera was set to 135 Hz. This resulted in frame rates of 34  Hz for each LED and 67  Hz for the VCSEL.

Fig. 1

CSI device and processing overview. (a) A custom PCB was developed to control the synchronization between light sources and the camera. The custom PCB was connected to a sensor probe that contains the light sources (LEDs and VCSEL) on a PCB and a camera. The sensor probe was attached to the measured area. The reflected light from the LEDs and VCSEL was collected at source–detector separations of 3 to 10 mm. (b) Processing overview from raw images to absolute quantifiable metrics, including optical properties, blood flow, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations, and tissue oxygenation.


Figure 1(b) shows an overview of the data processing steps. A raw CSI image undergoes LSI and srDRS processing. For LSI, a 7×7 sliding window was used to calculate the spatial speckle contrast (K), and a region of interest (ROI) was selected using pixels ranging from source–detector separations of 3.1 to 4.4 mm to obtain the SPG signal. The uncorrected blood flow was defined as 1/K2. srDRS processing was performed similarly to previous works.23,24 Briefly, raw reflectance as a function of source–detector separation (3 to 10 mm) was obtained from a sample with unknown optical properties and a calibration phantom with known optical properties. A dark image was subtracted from the raw reflectance of the sample and calibration phantom, and a lookup table with theoretical diffuse reflectance curves for each set of unique μa (0 to 0.4  mm1) and μs (0.3 to 3.5  mm1) values was created using a software from the Virtual Photonics Initiative25 at the Beckman Laser Institute. The theoretical diffuse reflectance curve from the lookup table was divided by the reflectance from the calibration phantom to calculate a scale factor. The scale factor was multiplied with the reflectance curves with unknown properties to obtain a calibrated diffuse reflectance. To obtain a final set of optical properties, all sets of optical properties with an R2>0.98 for 660 and 740 nm and 0.94 (in vitro) and 0.98 (in vivo) for 850 nm between the calibrated diffuse reflectance and theoretical diffuse reflectance were averaged together. This averaging approach was used due to several R2 values indicating good fits (R2>0.98), and we chose to use a conservative approach of averaging multiple sets of data with good fits instead of relying on a single fit that may have an intrinsic error or selection bias. In vivo measurements used scatter-corrected absorption to determine hemoglobin concentrations and StO2. The combination of optical properties from srDRS and blood flow from LSI allowed for optical property-corrected blood flow measurements using the Brownian diffusion coefficient (Db).13,16

We validated the CSI device using both in vitro and in vivo experiments. We conducted three in vitro experiments to assess the ability of CSI to measure optical properties. (1) To assess short-term stability, we imaged a tissue-simulating phantom with CSI over 1-h for 3 days. (2) To evaluate device repeatability over a wide range of optical properties, we imaged 18 silicone-based tissue phantoms with CSI three times over a week. (3) To assess long-term device repeatability, we imaged the same 18 silicone-based tissue phantoms nine times over 3 months. For all in vitro experiments, we calculated the coefficient of variation (COV) to determine device repeatability. In in vitro experiments 2 and 3, we used SFDI20 as the gold standard to compare the optical properties measured by CSI and SFDI. SFDI measurements were carried out using a commercial device (ReflectRS, Modulim, Irvine, California). They involved structured illumination at five sinusoidal spatial frequencies evenly spaced between 0 and 0.2  mm1 at eight wavelengths (471, 526, 591, 621, 659, 691, 731, and 851 nm).26 Raw reflectance images were calibrated against images of the calibration phantom, and CSI and SFDI measurements were calibrated against the same phantom. We used a Monte Carlo-based transport forward model on a semi-infinite medium with homogeneous optical properties throughout the imaged tissue volume. We compared CSI-measured optical properties at 660, 740, and 850 nm with SFDI-measured optical properties at 659, 731, and 851 nm.

We validated CSI’s ability to monitor absolute hemoglobin concentrations, StO2, and blood flow compared with DOS/DCS during in vivo venous and arterial occlusions on human subjects. We compared CSI with DOS/DCS due to the similarities in the output data parameters. However, we acknowledge inherent differences in the optics, the sample volume interrogated, and the measurement locations. Nonetheless, we compared CSI and DOS/DCS to determine whether CSI followed similar trends to DOS/DCS. DOS/DCS measurements used a previously described lab-grade device.27 DOS measured tissue optical properties and absolute hemoglobin concentrations. Water absorption was not taken into account. Three laser diodes (727, 808, and 839 nm) were used. A network analyzer (Copper Mountain Technologies, Indianapolis, Indiana) modulated each laser diode from 50 to 300 MHz. An avalanche photodiode (Hamamatsu Photonics, Japan) detected the phase and amplitude at each modulation frequency. The collected data were fit to a light-propagation model to extract the μa and μs. The scatter-corrected μa was used to calculate [HbO2] and [Hb]. The final processed DOS data were measured at 4.9 Hz. DCS measured blood flow using a long coherence length (>20  m) 785 nm laser (CrystaLaser, Nevada). The signal was detected with four single photon counting modules (Excelitas Technologies, Massachusetts). The digital output of each detector was connected to an eight-channel counter/timer data acquisition board to sample the digital pulses generated by the detectors. A real-time DCS software correlator fits the collected data to a mathematical model of dynamic light scattering to measure a blood flow index (BFI). BFI data from DCS were measured at 20 Hz. DOS and DCS source and detector fibers were combined into a single probe with a 15 mm source–detector separation. To mitigate crosstalk between DOS optical sources and DCS detectors, a 785 nm bandpass filter was placed in front of the DCS detector fiber bundle. In addition to comparing CSI with DOS/DCS, we also compared uncorrected and optical-property corrected blood flow within CSI during venous occlusion.

For in vivo measurements, each of the three subjects is tested with the CSI probe attached to the finger and the DOS/DCS probe attached to the thenar muscle on the palm. Arterial occlusion was induced using an approved IRB protocol (#20206221) and a mechanically controlled occlusion cuff (Hokanson, Bellevue, Washington) placed over the brachial artery. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects participating in this study. The procedure involved a 2-min baseline period at 0 mmHg, followed by 2 min of full occlusion at 220 mmHg, and then 2 min of recovery at 0 mmHg. Venous occlusion was induced using a previously described procedure,28 involving a 2-min baseline period at 0 mmHg, followed by a stepwise venous occlusion at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mmHg, each lasting 1 min, and then a 1-min recovery period at 0 mmHg.


Results and Discussion

To test the short-term stability of CSI-measured optical properties, we imaged a tissue-simulating phantom over 1 h on 3 different days. COVs for reflectance from LEDs (660 and 740 nm) were <0.4% and from the VCSEL (850 nm) <1.2%. COVs for μa from LEDs were <0.9% and from the VCSEL <2.7%. COVs for μs from LEDs were <0.6% and from the VCSEL <2.9%. The higher COVs for the VCSEL may be attributed to speckles adding noise to the srDRS curves. The mean COV of the reflectance, μa, and μs from all wavelengths was 0.78%, indicating the device’s stability for a 1-h measurement.

To test device repeatability over a wide range of optical properties, we imaged 18 silicone-based tissue phantoms with CSI three times over 1 week, comparing the optical properties measured by CSI to those measured by SFDI. The results showed good agreement for μa (R=0.986, p<0.0001) and μs (R=0.847, p<0.0001) using Pearson’s correlation coefficient [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)]. Error bars are the standard deviation over the three measurements over 1 week. CSI underestimated higher μa (>0.2) and had high variability at lower μs. The correlation coefficients presented here are slightly lower than previously presented by Petitdidier et al.23 This difference may be due to the simulated reflectance curves from the look-up table not incorporating the numerical aperture or the working distance between the sensor and the measured phantom. The average COV over 1 week for μa at 660, 740, and 850 nm were 8.4%, 9.9%, and 6.5%, respectively. The average COV for μs at 660, 740, and 850 nm were 4.0%, 4.6%, and 6.2%, respectively. The COVs demonstrate good repeatability, but low μa and μs had higher COVs [Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)], possibly due to a relatively long source–detector separation (3 to 10 mm) and low signal to noise at high μa. Furthermore, the low μa phantoms (μa0.003  mm1) had higher COVs, due to small differences in the recovered optical properties. Improved signal-to-noise and better repeatability may be possible using multiple exposure times for srDRS curves.23,24

Fig. 2

In vitro validation of CSI-measured optical properties compared to SFDI using 18 phantoms over 1 week. (a) Comparison between CSI- and SFDI-measured μa (R=0.986, p<0.0001). (b) Comparison between CSI- and SFDI-measured μs (R=0.847, p<0.0001). Standard deviation error bars are shown. (c) COV of μa over 1 week. (d) COV of μs over 1 week.


To test long-term device repeatability, we imaged the same 18 silicone-based tissue phantoms nine times over 3 months. The average COVs for μa at 660, 740, and 850 nm were 19.3%, 20.7%, and 19.5%, respectively, whereas the average COVs for μs at the three wavelengths were 5.4%, 5.7%, and 6.1%, respectively. These findings indicate that over an extended period, the CSI device has twice the variability in μa compared with short-term results [Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)], whereas the variability in   μs remained relatively constant.

We compared CSI with DOS/DCS to evaluate their ability to assess in vivo hemodynamics. Both DOS/DCS [Fig. 3(a)] and CSI [Fig. 3(b)] showed similar trends in absolute hemodynamic measurements during an arterial occlusion. Blood flow rapidly decreased during the occlusion, leading to an increase in [Hb] and a decrease in [HbO2] and StO2. However, after arterial occlusion release, DOS/DCS demonstrated a hyperemic response, whereas CSI returned to baseline levels. This difference could be attributed to the measurement location (finger versus thenar muscle) or the source–detector separation (3 to 10 mm versus 15 mm). We performed two additional arterial occlusion experiments to assess if the measurement location played a role in the difference between the DOS/DCS and CSI hyperemic responses. First, we used a finger-clip LSI-based device7,8 to measure blood flow from the end of the finger during an arterial occlusion. Second, we performed a large field-of-view (FOV) measurement of the hand with LSI and selected multiple ROIs, including the fingers and thenar muscle. The finger-clip measurement lacked a post-arterial occlusion hyperemic response (Fig. S1 in the Supplemental Material). The large FOV measurement showed that the tip of the finger had the smallest hyperemic response post-arterial occlusion (Fig. 2 in the Supplemental Material). These data suggest the lack of post-arterial hyperemic response is at least partially due to measurement location.

Fig. 3

Representative in vivo validation from one subject of the CSI sensor compared to DOS/DCS during an arterial occlusion. (a) DOS/DCS arterial occlusion. (b) CSI arterial occlusion. An arterial occlusion protocol with a 2-min baseline period, followed by 2 min of full occlusion at 220 mmHg, and then 2 min of recovery. Abbreviations: oxy-hemoglobin concentration, [HbO2]; deoxy-hemoglobin concentration, [Hb]; total hemoglobin concentration, [HbT]; tissue oxygen saturation, StO2; blood flow index, BFI; and Brownian diffusion coefficient, Db.


We next compared uncorrected and optically corrected blood flow using venous occlusion data from the CSI device (Fig. 4). Both uncorrected and optically corrected blood flow showed a decreased trend as pressure increased, and the pulsatile blood flow signals (SPG) were clearly distinguishable and robust. However, a stark difference was observed during the venous occlusion: the optically corrected blood flow showed a 200% greater decrease compared with the uncorrected blood flow at 100 mmHg. These findings align with the previous studies that use improved mathematical models describing laser speckle fluctuations in dynamic light scattering, such as LSI.29 Specifically, LSI has been found to underestimate the decrease in cerebral blood flow by 300% in cases of ischemic stroke.29,30

Fig. 4

Representative comparison of uncorrected and optical property-corrected blood flow from one subject using the CSI sensor during venous occlusion. The venous occlusion protocol consisted of a 2 min baseline period, followed by a stepwise venous occlusion at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mmHg, where each occlusion pressure lasted 1 min. After the 100 mmHg pressure, the pressure was released for a 1 min recovery period. Uncorrected blood flow is in red and corrected blood flow is in blue. Insets show pulsatile blood flow waveform at 0 and 40 mmHg.


To assess the ability of CSI to resolve in vivo hemodynamics, we compared CSI with DOS/DCS during a venous occlusion. We expected that as venous occlusion pressure increased, [HbT] and [Hb] would increase, [HbO2] would remain constant, and StO2 and blood flow (BFI) would decrease. DOS/DCS data supported this trend, especially at higher occlusion pressures (>60  mmHg) [Fig. 5(a)]. However, CSI data exhibited a different behavior [Fig. 5(b)]. While [HbT] and [Hb] increased and blood flow (Db) decreased, [HbO2] increased, leading to relatively constant StO2 levels. Several factors might explain this discrepancy. First, the measurement location differed, with CSI measured from the finger and DOS/DCS from the thenar muscle on the palm. Second, the vascular compartment and sample volume differed, as DOS/DCS had a source–detector separation of 15 mm, whereas CSI used separations from 3 to 10 mm. Third, metabolic differences between the finger and the thenar muscle could have existed. The finger may consume less oxygen than the incoming blood flow, resulting in increased [HbO2] in the CSI measurements. Despite the discrepancy between DOS/DCS and CSI, previous studies3133 using optical methods have also reported an increased [HbO2], supporting our findings.

Fig. 5

Representative in vivo validation from one subject of the CSI sensor compared with DOS/DCS during a venous occlusion. (a) DOS/DCS venous occlusion. (b) CSI venous occlusion. The venous occlusion protocol consisted of a 2 min baseline period, followed by a stepwise venous occlusion at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mmHg, where each occlusion pressure lasted 1 min. After the 100 mmHg pressure, the pressure was released for a 1 min recovery period. Abbreviations: oxy-hemoglobin concentration, [HbO2]; deoxy-hemoglobin concentration, [Hb]; total hemoglobin concentration, [HbT]; tissue oxygen saturation, StO2; blood flow index, BFI; and Brownian diffusion coefficient, Db.




In this paper, we aimed to measure μa, μs, [HbO2], [Hb], StO2, and blood flow, into a compact device similar to current pulse oximeters. To achieve this aim, we developed CSI, which combines srDRS and LSI. We demonstrated the effectiveness of CSI in measuring optical properties using tissue-simulating phantoms. Moreover, we showed that CSI can track changes in blood flow during arterial and venous occlusions and accurately detect the SPG signal. The inclusion of additional information in a pulse oximetry format could potentially enhance the measurement of optically derived blood pressure,34 SpO2, and metabolism,15,35,36 enabling the assessment of hemodynamic dysfunction in diseased and injured individuals.


The authors have no financial interests or commercial associations that might pose or create a conflict of interest with the information presented in this article.

Code and Data Availability

Data will be made available to academic researchers upon reasonable request.


We would like to thank the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. 5TL1TR001415 (CC)), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-20-1-0052) for support of this research. We acknowledge open-source software resources offered by the Virtual Photonics Technology Initiative,37 at the Beckman Laser Institute, University of California, Irvine. We would also like to thank Dr. Mark Keating with help designing and soldering the custom PCB, Dr. Gordon Kennedy with help measuring and processing the data from tissue phantoms with SFDI, and Mr. Emil Lundqvist for collecting longitudinal CSI phantom measurements.



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Christian Crouzet is a project scientist at the Beckman Laser Institute at the University of California, Irvine. His research is focused on using optical technologies to study rodent models of neurodegeneration and neurological injury across spatial scales.

Cody E. Dunn received his PhD in biomedical engineering under the mentorship of Bernard Choi at the University of California, Irvine. His PhD research focused on developing optical sensors to monitor pulsatile blood flow. He is currently a life sciences consultant.

Bernard Choi is a professor of biomedical engineering and surgery at the University of California, Irvine, and a core faculty member of the Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic. His group is focused on developing technologies and methods to study microvascular structure and function, with applications in neurology, urology, and critical care.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Christian Crouzet, Cody E. Dunn, and Bernard Choi "Quantifying tissue properties and absolute hemodynamics using coherent spatial imaging," Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(12), 127001 (19 December 2023).
Received: 1 August 2023; Accepted: 30 October 2023; Published: 19 December 2023
Blood circulation


Optical properties



Coherence imaging

In vivo imaging

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