1 October 2011 Multi-aperture optics for wafer-level cameras
Andreas Brückner, Robert Leitel, Alexander Oberdörster, Peter Dannberg, Frank C. Wippermann, Andreas Bräuer
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Funded by: Insect inspired imaging
Wafer-level optics is considered to yield imaging lenses for cameras of the smallest possible form factor. The high accuracy of the applied microsystem technologies and the parallel fabrication of thousands of modules on the wafer level make it a hot topic for high-volume applications with respect to quality and costs. However, the adaption of existing materials and technologies from microoptics for the manufacturing of millimeter scale lens diameters led to yield problems due to material shrinkage and z-height accuracy. A multi-aperture approach to real-time vision systems is proposed that overcomes these issues because it relies on microlens arrays. The demonstrated prototype achieves VGA (Video Graphics Array, 640×480 pixels) resolution with a thickness of 1.4 mm, which is a thickness reduction of 50% compared to single-aperture equivalents. The partial images that are separately recorded in different channels are stitched together to form a final image of the whole field of view by means of image processing. Distortion is corrected within the processing chain. The microlens arrays are realized by state-of-the-art micro-optical fabrication techniques on wafer level that are suitable for a potential application in high volume, e.g., for consumer electronic products.
©(2011) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Andreas Brückner, Robert Leitel, Alexander Oberdörster, Peter Dannberg, Frank C. Wippermann, and Andreas Bräuer "Multi-aperture optics for wafer-level cameras," Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 10(4), 043010 (1 October 2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3659144
Published: 1 October 2011
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Cited by 24 scholarly publications and 6 patents.
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Wafer-level optics


Modulation transfer functions

Channel projecting optics

Image sensors

Microlens array



Multi-aperture microoptical system for close-up imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (September 25 2014)
Optical performance analysis of plenoptic camera systems
Proceedings of SPIE (September 25 2014)
Novel optics/micro-optics for miniature imaging systems
Proceedings of SPIE (April 21 2006)
A multi-aperture approach to wafer-level camera lenses
Proceedings of SPIE (February 14 2011)
Ultra-compact close-up microoptical imaging system
Proceedings of SPIE (August 19 2010)

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