Dr. Arwin Datumaya Wahyudi Sumari
Senior Air Force Officer/Adjunct Professor at Politeknik Negeri Malang
SPIE Involvement:
Area of Expertise:
Knowledge Growing System , Cognitive Artificial Intelligence , Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning , Decision Support System , Multi Agent System
Profile Summary

He is now a Senior Officer of the Indonesian Air Force (IDAF) with the rank of Colonel, the Winner of Adi Makayasa Medal as the Best Graduate of IDAF Academy year 1991, the Winner of The Best Graduate Trophy of Electronics Majoring, and the Recipient of the Outstanding Officer Award from the Chief of Staff of IDAF. He achieved Bachelor in Electronics Engineering, Master in Computer Engineering, and Doctor in Electrical Engineering and Informatics from Institut Teknologi Bandung, all with Cum Laude Predicates. He finished the IDAF School of Command and Staff and was awarded with Sastratama Award, the Defense Resource Management Course at Naval Postgraduate School, and Senior Manager Course in National Security Leadership, George Washington University. He was Assistant Professor at Indonesia Defense University, Policy Analyst at Secretariat General of National Resilience Council, and Vice Secretary at Coordinating Ministry for Political, Law, and Security, Indonesia delegate for Committee of Science, Technology, and Innovation ASEAN, involved in the construction of National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, the Task Force for Research and Technology Innovation for Covid-19, and the Artificial Intelligence Sandbox Working Group. He has published more than 300 articles, and keynote speakers in government and non-government agencies, achieved Best Paper Award at home and abroad, has 8 registered patents on Knowledge Growing System, is the head of Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Research Group and holds international certifications on Electrical Engineering. Starting April 2021 for two years, he leads research on Object Detection and Recognition using KGS funded by Office of Naval Research Global, supported by Combat Capabilities Development Command Indo-Pacific, and Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development. He is Adjunct Professor at Master of Applied Electrical Engineering Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Malang.
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