Dr. Chu-Chuan Benedict Liu
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (6)

Proceedings Article | 21 March 2009 Paper
Shih-Chung B. Lo, Chu-Chuan Liu, Matthew Freedman, Seong-Ki Mun, John Kula, Marvin Lasser, Bob Lasser, Yue Joseph Wang
Proceedings Volume 7265, 726508 (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.811800
KEYWORDS: Ultrasonography, Bone, Picosecond phenomena, Sensors, Prototyping, Skin, Image sensors, Signal detection, Systems modeling, Image acquisition

Proceedings Article | 10 March 2008 Paper
Shih-Chung B. Lo, Chu-Chuan Liu, Matthew Freedman, Seong-Ki Mun, John Kula, Marvin Lasser, Bob Lasser, Yue Joseph Wang
Proceedings Volume 6920, 692005 (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.772847
KEYWORDS: Bone, Ultrasonography, Prototyping, Sensors, Speckle, Skin, Tissues, Transducers, Signal detection, Acoustics

Proceedings Article | 12 March 2007 Paper
Chu-Chuan Liu, Shih-Chung Ben Lo, Matthew Freedman, Marvin Lasser, Bob Lasser, John Kula, Yue Joseph Wang
Proceedings Volume 6513, 65130Q (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.712224
KEYWORDS: Ultrasonography, Scattering, Sensors, Laser scattering, Collimation, Image processing, Prototyping, Image restoration, Signal attenuation, Acoustics

Proceedings Article | 16 March 2006 Paper
Chu-Chuan Liu, Shih-Chung Ben Lo, Matthew Freedman, Marvin Lasser, Bob Lasser, John Kula, Yue Joseph Wang, Tsung-I Hsieh, Anita Sarcone
Proceedings Volume 6147, 61470K (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.654105
KEYWORDS: Ultrasonography, X-ray imaging, X-rays, Imaging systems, Aluminum, Tissues, Chromium, Glasses, Computing systems, Sensors

Proceedings Article | 12 April 2005 Paper
Shih-Chung Lo, Chu Chuan Liu, Matthew Freedman, John Kula, Bob Lasser, Marvin Lasser, Yue Wang
Proceedings Volume 5750, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.595615
KEYWORDS: Ultrasonography, Reflectivity, Sensors, Signal attenuation, Transducers, Tissues, Bone, Modulation transfer functions, Signal detection, Imaging systems

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