Dan Yanson graduated from the Electrical Engineering University of St. Petersburg in 1996 with an M.Sc. in Optoelectronic Systems, whereupon he joined the Integrated Optics Laboratory at the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St Petersburg. Between 1997 and 2002, he worked as Research Assistant at the Optoelectronics Research Group, University of Glasgow, Scotland, earning a Ph.D. degree for his research into laser diodes modelocked at terahertz pulse rates. Following a post-doctorate position at Glasgow University, he moved to Glasgow-based Intense Ltd., where he acted in a variety of both technology and product development roles, with a focus on high-power laser diode emitters, bars and stacks. In 2008, he relocated to Israel where he is presently Senior Scientist with SCD Semiconductor Devices in Haifa and is leading the development of high-brightness diode lasers and fiber laser pumps. He has also acted as a technical expert to the European Commission, and has been on the technical committees of several IEEE/LEOS and OSA-sponsored conferences.
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