Dr. David Carrara
at Almae Technologies
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (4)

Proceedings Article | 2 April 2020 Presentation
Karim Hassan, Bertrand Szelag, Laetitia Adelmini, Cécilia Dupré, Elodie Ghegin, Philippe Rodriguez, Fabrice Nemouchi, Pierre Brianceau, Antoine Schembri, David Carrara, Pierrick Cavalie, Florent Franchin, Marie-Christine Roure, Loic Sanchez, Christophe Jany, Segolène Olivier
Proceedings Volume 11364, 113640Y (2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2558532
KEYWORDS: Laser applications, Silicon photonics, Wafer bonding, Semiconducting wafers, Optical lithography, Resistance, Back end of line, Transceivers, Data communications, Molecular beam epitaxy

Proceedings Article | 16 February 2017 Presentation + Paper
David Carrara, Alexandre Shen, Xavier Pommarede, Guillaume Levaufre, Nils Girard, Dalila Make, Geneviève Glastre, Jean Decobert, François Lelarge, Romain Brenot, Ségolène Olivier, Christophe Jany, Stéphane Malhouitre, Benoit Charbonnier, Christophe Kopp, Guang-Hua Duan
Proceedings Volume 10106, 101060G (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2250129
KEYWORDS: Photonic integrated circuits, Tunable lasers, Silicon, Transmitters, Telecommunications, Modulators, Networks, Modulation, Silicon photonics, Waveguides, Semiconducting wafers, Semiconductor lasers, Wafer bonding

Proceedings Article | 25 January 2012 Paper
A. Richter, C. Arellano, D. Carrara, S. Mingaleev, E. Sokolov, I. Koltchanov
Proceedings Volume 8284, 82840L (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.912096
KEYWORDS: Photonic integrated circuits, Transmitters, Neodymium, Modulation, Brain-machine interfaces, Waveguides, Ions, Chemical elements, Physics, Active optics

Proceedings Article | 2 November 2001 Paper
Proceedings Volume 4431, (2001) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.447398
KEYWORDS: Optical coherence tomography, Tomography, Microscopes, Interferometry, Mirrors, Spectral resolution, Objectives, Charge-coupled devices, CCD cameras, Light sources

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