In the ITRS roadmap [1] increasingly long mask write and cycle time is explicitly addressed as a difficult challenge in
mask fabrication for the 16nm technology node and beyond. Write time reduction demands have to be seen in relation to
corresponding performance parameters like Line Width Roughness (LWR), resolution, placement as well as CD
Uniformity. The previously presented Multi Shaped Beam (MSB) approach [2, 3] is considered a potential solution for high
throughput mask write application. In order to fully adapt the MSB concept to future industry's requirements specific
optimizations are planned.
The key element for achieving write time reduction is a higher probe current at the target, which can be obtained by
increasing the number of beamlets as well as applying a higher current density. In the present paper the approach of a
256 beamlet MSB design will be discussed. For a given image field size along with a beamlet number increase both
beamlet pitch and size have to be optimized.
Out of previous investigations, one finding was that by changing the demagnification after the beam forming section of
the MSB column the overall performance can be optimized. Based on first electron-optical simulations for a new final
lens a larger demagnification turned out to be advantageous.
Stochastic beam blur simulation results for the MSB reduction optics will be presented. During the exposure of a pattern
layout the number of used beams, their shape and their distribution within the image field varies, which can lead to space
charge distortion effects. In regard to this MSB simulation results obtained for an image field of approximately
10x10ìm² will be presented.
For the 256 beamlet MSB design and resist sensitivities of 20μC/cm2, 40μC/cm2 and 100μC/cm2 write time and LWR simulations have been performed. For MSB pattern data fracturing an optimized algorithm has been used, which
increased the beamlet utilization factor (indicates the mean number of beamlets which are used per multi-shot). Finally
an update with regard to the required changes of the data path architecture for the 256 beamlet MSB approach will be
given. Data integrity as an important aspect of the production worthiness of such a systems will be discussed specifically.
According to the ITRS [1] photo mask is a significant challenge for the 22nm technology node requirements and beyond.
Mask making capability and cost escalation continue to be critical for future lithography progress. On the technological
side mask specifications and complexity have increased more quickly than the half-pitch requirements on the wafer
designated by the roadmap due to advanced optical proximity correction and double patterning demands. From the
economical perspective mask costs have significantly increased each generation, in which mask writing represents a
major portion. The availability of a multi-electron-beam lithography system for mask write application is considered a
potential solution to overcome these challenges [2, 3].
In this paper an update of the development status of a full-package high-throughput multi electron-beam writer, called
Multi Shaped Beam (MSB), will be presented. Lithography performance results, which are most relevant for mask
writing applications, will be disclosed. The MSB technology is an evolutionary development of the matured single
Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) technology. An arrangement of Multi Deflection Arrays (MDA) allows operation with
multiple shaped beams of variable size, which can be deflected and controlled individually [4].
This evolutionary MSB approach is associated with a lower level of risk and a relatively short time to implementation
compared to the known revolutionary concepts [3, 5, 6].
Lithography performance is demonstrated through exposed pattern. Further details of the substrate positioning platform
performance will be disclosed. It will become apparent that the MSB operational mode enables lithography on the same
and higher performance level compared to single VSB and that there are no specific additional lithography challenges
existing beside those which have already been addressed [1].
Multi Shaped Beam (MSB) throughput simulation results have already been published in the past. An IC mask set of a
32nm node logic device was one of the applications that had been analyzed in more detail.
In this paper we want to highlight results of shot count and write time evaluations done for Inverse Lithography Technology
(ILT) masks targeting the 22nm technology node. The test pattern data we used for these practice-oriented analyses
was designed by DNP / Japan and created by Luminescent Technologies, Inc. / USA. To achieve reliable
evaluation results, the influence of different MSB configurations on shot count and mask write time has been taken into
account and will be discussed here. Exposure results of pattern details are presented and compared with the fracturing
result. The MSB engineering tool we used for our investigations covers such major components like an electron-optical
column, a precision x/y stage and the MSB data path.
The development of next-generation lithography (NGL) such as EUV, NIL and maskless lithography (ML2) are driven
by the half pitch reduction and increasing integration density of integrated circuits down to the 22nm node and beyond.
For electron beam direct write (EBDW) several revolutionary pixel based concepts have been under development since
several years. By contrast an evolutionary and full package high throughput multi electron-beam approach called Multi
Shaped Beam (MSB), which is based on proven Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) technology, will be presented in this
In the recent decade VSB has already been applied in EBDW for device learning, early prototyping and low volume
fabrication in production environments for both silicon and compound semiconductor applications. Above all the high
resolution and the high flexibility due to the avoidance of expensive masks for critical layers made it an attractive
solution for advanced technology nodes down to 32nm half pitch.
The limitation in throughput of VSB has been mitigated in a major extension of VSB by the qualification of the cell
projection (CP) technology concurrently used with VSB. With CP more pixels in complex shapes can be projected in one
shot, enabling a remarkable shot count reduction for repetitive pattern.
The most advanced step to extend the mature VSB technology for higher throughput is its parallelization in one column
applying MEMS based multi deflection arrays. With this Vistec MSB technology, multiple shaped beamlets are
generated simultaneously, each controllable individually in shape size and beam on time. Compared to pixel based ML2
approaches the MSB technology enables the maskless, variable and parallel projection of a large number of pixels per
beamlet times the number of beamlets.
Basic concepts, exposure examples and performance results of each of the described throughput enhancement steps will
be presented.
Photomask lithography for the 22nm technology node and beyond requires new approaches in equipment as well as
mask design. Multi Shaped Beam technology (MSB) for photomask patterning using a matrix of small beamlets instead
of just one shaped beam, is a very effective and evolutionary enhancement of the well established Variable Shaped Beam
(VSB) technique. Its technical feasibility has been successfully demonstrated [2]. One advantage of MSB is the
productivity gain over VSB with decreasing critical dimensions (CDs) and increasing levels of optical proximity
correction (OPC) or for inverse lithography technology (ILT) and source mask optimization (SMO) solutions. This
makes MSB an attractive alternative to VSB for photomask lithography at future technology nodes.
The present paper describes in detail the working principles and advantages of MSB over VSB for photomask
applications. MSB integrates the electron optical column, x/y stage and data path into an operational electron beam
lithography system. Multi e-beam mask writer specific requirements concerning the computational lithography and their
implementation are outlined here. Data preparation of aggressive OPC layouts, shot count reductions over VSB, data
path architecture, write time simulation and several aspects of the exposure process sequence are also discussed.
Analysis results of both the MSB processing and the write time of full 32nm and 22nm node critical layer mask layouts
are presented as an example.
In this paper a full package high throughput multi electron-beam approach, called Multi Shaped Beam (MSB), for
applications in mask making as well as direct write will be presented including complex proof-of-lithography results.
The basic concept enables a significant exposure shot count reduction for advanced patterns compared to standard
Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) systems and allows full pattern flexibility by concurrently using MSB, VSB and Cell
Projection (CP). Proof of lithography results will be presented, which have been performed using a fully operational
electron-beam lithography system including data path and substrate scanning by x/y-stage movement.
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Signal to noise ratio, Monte Carlo methods, Signal detection, Lithography, Etching, Scattering, Electron beams, Direct write lithography, Vestigial sideband modulation
In this work, we investigated possible geometry optimizations of backscattered electron (BSE) detectors in order to significantly improve the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of shallow Si-topographic marks. To achieve this, Monte Carlo simulations of the BSE angular distribution as well as of the BSE exit position were performed. A comparison of some theoretical calculations with the respective experimental results allowed us to qualify the theoretical results. Based on these results, we are able to present an optimized BSE detector design featuring a significant improvement of the measured SNR.
KEYWORDS: Beam shaping, Stochastic processes, Vestigial sideband modulation, Monte Carlo methods, Lithography, Electron beam lithography, Electron beams, Objectives, Image segmentation, Standards development
This paper describes a new multi beam approach in electron beam lithography called Multi Shaped Beam (MSB). Based on the well known Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) principle, the single shaped beam arrangement is extended and complemented by an array of individually controlled shaped beams. The positive effect of the MSB approach on resolution limiting stochastic beam blur due to Coulomb interactions will be highlighted applying detailed electron-optical Monte-Carlo simulations. To verify the feasibility of the above-mentioned new approach, there is also depicted a proof-of-lithography test stand based on a complete e-beam-lithography system containing MSB-specific hardware and software components.
In semiconductor industry time to market is one of the key success factors. Therefore fast prototyping and low-volume production will become extremely important for developing process technologies that are well ahead of the current technological level. Electron Beam Lithography has been launched for industrial use as a direct write technology for these types of applications. However, limited throughput rates and high tool complexity have been seen as the major concerns restricting the industrial use of this technology. Nowadays this begins to change. Variable Shaped Beam (VSB) writers have been established in Electron Beam Direct Write (EBDW) on Si or GaAs. In the paper semiconductor industry requirements to EBDW will be outlined. Behind this background the Vistec SB3050 lithography system will be reviewed. The achieved resolution enhancement of the VSB system down to the 22nm node exposure capability will be discussed in detail; application examples will be given. Combining EBDW in a Mix and Match technology with optical lithography is one way to utilize the high flexibility advantage of this technology and to overcome existing throughput concerns. However, to some extend a common Single Electron Beam Technology (SBT) will always be limited in throughput. Therefore Vistec's approach of a system that is based on the massive parallelisation of beams (MBT), which was initially pursued in a European Project, will also be discussed.
Objective of this paper is the design and fabrication of the individual plates of the APS. Microsystems Technology is used for aperture chip processing with chip sizes up to 23 mm x 23 mm.
Electron beam based Projection Mask-Less Lithography (PML2) is one of the promising candidates for fast chip devel-opment and prototyping as well as for small and medium volume device production for the 45nm technology node and beyond. The concept of the PML2 proof-of-concept tool comprises a single electron optical column, a multi beam blank-ing device (programmable "Aperture Plate System") including high speed optical data path and a scanning 300mm wa-fer stage. More than 290.000 beams will be projected onto the wafer used for a highly redundant scanning stripe expo-sure process. The PML2 proof-of-concept tool will be built as part of the European MEDEA+ project T409 and the joint project "Ab-bildungsmethodiken fur nanoelektronische Bauelemente-ABBILD" in Germany. To show the feasibility of PML2 key modules in an early stage several demonstrators and test stands have been developed. In this paper demonstration setups and first results of the electron optics modeling, gun prototype, Aperture Plate System and the Optical Data Path are pre-sented.
Electron beam based Projection Mask-Less Lithography (PML2) is one of the promising candidates for small and medium volume device production for the 45nm technology node and beyond. The concept of the PML2 proof-of-concept tool, to be realized as part of the European MEDEA+ project T409, comprises a single electron optical column, a multi beam blanking device (programmable "Aperture Plate System") including high speed optical data path and a scanning 300mm wafer stage. More than 250.000 beams will be projected onto the wafer used for a highly redundant scanning stripe exposure process.
A demonstrator chip of the Aperture Plate System is being manufactured with > 1000 apertures of 5μm x 5μm size using standard MST processes. Results as achieved with this demonstrator chip using a specifically designed e-beam test bench are shown.
Furthermore, the realtime data transmission concept is discussed, showing that with the selected technology the required data rates for the PML2 proof-of-concept tool can be delivered, with extendibility beyond. Viability of the optical data pattern transfer to the Aperture Plate System is shown using a test setup of the parallel high-speed transmission lines.
Recent studies have shown the feasibility of Projection Mask-Less Lithography (PML2) for small and medium volume device production (2-5 WPH) for the 45nm technology node. This PML2 tool concept comprises a combined electrostatic-magnetic electron optical column with 200x de-magnification factor. Instead of a mask there is a programmable aperture plate enabling dynamic beam structuring. Wafer exposure is done stripe-by-stripe with a scanning 300mm wafer stage. Detailed calculations of the PML2 optical column (2-step demagnification) including Monte-Carlo simulations of Coulomb interactions are presented. The extendibility of PML2 technology for the 32nm node will be discussed.
In general the writing strategies of the Leica ZBA 320 tool are presented to the audience. Methods to achieve a high productivity in writing masks of the next generation are highlighted. Thus, such writing modes like variable-shaped beam using 6 shape types, vector scan and `writing-on-the- fly' are explained in their inter-action. Our strategies to constantly improve the accuracy parameters, such like n-pass writing and soft boundaries are not only described but also illustrated by our latest application results. Finally data processing by hierarchical data structures as the main factor to support the above-mentioned writing strategies is outlined in this paper.
The continued device scaling in the semiconductor industry has resulted in an acceleration of the respective technology roadmaps worldwide, which in turn is reflected in the constant pull-in of the lithography roadmaps. From the lithography toolmaker point of view this situation had to be answered with a consistent integrated equipment development roadmap. The general toolkit philosophy of the Leica ZBA300 family of E- beam systems incorporates such features and results in a harmonization of the development and usage of e-beam tools over a wide range of device generations. The theoretical advantages of shaped beam systems over raster scan in terms of edge definition as well as in terms of writing times become especially obvious when advanced masks with the emerging reticle enhancements like OPC are taken into account. It is the successful application of such techniques that will make the production of reticles for the 0.18 micron generation and below a commercially feasible enterprise.
The ZBA31H+) is a variable shaped spot, vector scan e- beam lithography system operating at 20 keV. The specified performance is designed to produce reticles to 250 nanometer design rules, and beyond. In November 98 the acceptance results of a newly installed Leica ZBA31H+), at Photonic Manchester, were presented in a paper at the VDE/VDI 15th European Conference on Mask Technology. This paper is a continuation of that work and presents data from a capability study carried out, on 4000 angstrom EBR9 HS31 resist. Analysis of: mean to target, uniformity, X/Y bias, isolated vs. dense linewidths, linearity, and registration performance of the tool is presented, and the effects of re- iterative develop on process capability compared. Theoretically, a shaped beam system has advantages over raster scan in terms of write time and edge definition capabilities. In this paper, comparative write times against an Etec Mebes 4500 system are included. The ZBA31H+) has to write very small polygons in order to image non-axial or non-45 degree features. The resulting effect on image quality and write time is investigated. In order to improve the fidelity of small OPC structures, Leica have investigated alternative writing strategies, and their results to data are presented here.
Since production started at the Photronics site in Manchester, England, mask writing capability had been centered on laser based technology. The Manchester site has now taken delivery of its first e-beam system: the ZBA 31H+, manufactured by Leica Microsystems Lithography GMBH. The ZBA 31H+) system was designed for the production of reticles utilizing 250 nanometer design technology and is expected to play a key role in Photronics' future reticle development. The addition of an e-beam system to the current laser based technology, in this instance, has been driven by increasing customer demand and the requirement for reticles containing high resolution OPC structures. The ZBA 31H+) is a variable shaped spot, vector scan electron beam lithography system operating at 20 keV. Enhancements from the previous generation system include improved deflection systems, stage metrology, pattern data handling, and an address grid down to 10 nanometers. This system's specified performance enablers it to produce reticles designed to support semiconductor fabrication utilizing 250 nanometer design rules, and beyond, with high accuracy and productivity.
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