The design of a grazing incidence focusing optic obtained from a spiral approximation to multiple nested cones
produces an annular image of a point source. The angular size of the annulus depends mainly on the pitch of the winding
and the focal length. For a spiral conical approximation to Wolter optics, the effect is magnified by the double reflection.
However, if the two conical spirals are wound one clock-wise and the other counter-clock-wise, then the aberration is
partially compensated. We use a ray tracing code to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of this optical design for
potential applications of a light weight optics technology based on plastic foils that we are currently investigating.
Thin plastic foils are being investigated to build shell optics for X-ray telescopes. Compared to polished glass
optics, the advantage is in terms of increased collecting area, light weight and lower cost. Plastic material is also
desirable to allow deformation into a complete surface of revolution. We collected plastic materials of common
use for industrial applications and also specialty materials developed for the electronic industry. A comparative
study was then performed to evaluate the optical quality of the selected plastic films. Surface analysis was
carried out with topographic instruments to investigate the microroughness of our samples at different scan
lengths. Preliminary results suggest that a facility for the production of high-performance films with adequate
microroughness is needed.
Winding a plastic foil ribbon into spiral cylinder or spiral cones we can design and build single or multiple reflection X-ray
grazing incidence focusing optics with potential applications in Astronomy as well as experimental physics. The use
of thin plastic foils from common industrial applications and of a mounting technique which does not require the
construction of mandrels make these optics very cost effective.
A spiral geometry focusing optic produces an annular image of a point source with the angular size of the annulus
depending mainly on the pitch of the winding and the focal length. We use a ray-tracing code to evaluate the
performances of cylindrical, and double conical spiral geometry as a function of the design parameters e.g. focal length,
diameter, optic length. Some preliminary results are presented on X-ray imaging tests performed on spiral cylindrical
We report a useful visible light testing procedure for a first analysis of soft X-ray grazing incidence optics (0.1-2
keV). Although diffraction is a limit in the application of this method, great advantages are obtained by running
the tests in air with direct access to modify the geometrical mounting of the individual mirror shells. We present
the experimental apparatus and show the first results of the investigation of light weight optics based on plastic
foil material and comparison with results obtained with an X-ray beam.
We have identified an inexpensive, readily available, mechanically stable, extremely smooth, elastic, and mechanically uniform plastic suitable for thin film X-ray optics. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is easily deformed without losing its elastic properties or surface smoothness. Most important, PET can be coated with mono- or multilayers that reflect X-rays at grazing incidence. We have used these properties to produce X-ray optics made either as a concentric nest of cylinders or as a spiral. We have produced accurately formed shells in precisely machined vacuum mandresl or used a pin and wheel structure to form a continuously wound spiral. The wide range of medical, industrial and scientific applications for our technology includes: a monochromatic X-ray collimater for medical diagnostics, a relay optic to transport an X-ray beam from the target in a scanning electron microscop0e to a lithium-drifted silicon and microcalorimeter detectors and a satellite mounted telescope to collect celestial X-rays. A wide variety of mono- and multilayer coatings allow X-rays up to ~100 keV to be reflected. Our paper presents data from a variety of diagnostic measurements on the properties of the PET foil and imaging results form single- and multi-shell lenses.
Carl Budtz-Jorgensen, N. Lund, Niels Westergaard, S. Brandt, Allan Hornstrup, Ib Rasmussen, S. Laursen, S. Pedersen, Rene Kristansen, P. Mogensen, K. Harpo Andersen, I. Rasmussen, Josef Polny, P. Jensen, C. Oxborrow, J. Chenevez, K. Omoe, Veikko Kamarainen, Tor Andersson, Osmi Vilhu, J. Huovelin, Enrico Costa, Marco Feroci, Alda Rubini, E. Morelli, A. Morbidini, Filippo Frontera, Carlo Pelliciari, G. Loffredo, Guido Zavattini, Vittore Carassiti, M. Morawski, G. Juchnikowski, Victor Reglero, J. Peris, V. Collado, Juana Rodrigo, F. Perez, Jose-Luis Requena, S. Larsson, R. Svensson, A. Zdziarski, A. Castro-Tirado, Herbert Schnopper
The INTEGRAL X-ray monitor, JEM-X, (together with the two gamma ray instruments, SPI and IBIS) provides simultaneous imaging with arcminute angular resolution in the 3-35 keV band. The good angular resolution and low energy response of JEM-X plays an important role in the detection and identification of gamma ray sources as well as in the analysis and scientific interpretation of the combined X-ray and gamma ray data. JEM-X is a coded aperture X-ray telescope consisting of two identical detectors. Each detector has a sensitive area of 500 cm2, and views the sky through its own coded aperture mask. The coded masks are located 3.4 m above the detector windows. The detector field of view is constrained by X-ray collimators (6.6° FOV, FWHM).
We present new results from a program to develop large area X-ray telescopes that are made from thin plastic shells. We use multi-shell cylindrical lenses in a point-to-point configuration to form full aperture images of the small focal spot in a an X-ray tube on a microchannel plate detector. The image data are analyzed to yield radial profiles and encircled energy curves. The derived parameters can be extrapolated to the case of a telescope that is a conical approximation to Wolter 1 optics. The plastic shells can be coated with suitable mono- or multilayers that allow for a wideband coverage of X-ray energies. Our current program is focused on the development of a large area, hard X-ray telescope for a balloon payload.
B-MINE is a concept for a balloon mission designed to probe the
deepest regions of a supernova explosion by detecting 44Ti emission at 68 keV with spatial and spectral resolutions that are sufficient to determine the extent and velocity distribution of the 44Ti emitting region. The payload introduces the concept of focusing optics and microcalorimeter spectroscopy to nuclear line emission astrophysics. B-MINE has a thin, plastic foil telescope multilayered to maximize the reflectivity in a 20 keV band centered at 68 keV and a microcalorimeter array optimized for the same energy band. This combination provides a reduced background, an energy resolution of 50 eV and a 3F sensitivity in 106 s of 3.3 10-7 ph cm-2 s-1 at 68 keV.
During the course of a long duration balloon flight, B-MINE could
carry out a detailed study of the 44Ti emission line centroid and
width in CAS A.
Using multilayer coated mirrors to provide high reflectivity at large graze angles, we have proposed to launch a small telescope that is capable of measuring the linear polarization of the soft x-ray fluxes from many astronomical sources. Three identical mirror-detectoer assemblies are designed for maximum efficiency at 0.25 keV, where the photon spectra of many celestial targets peak. In observations lasting 1-3 days using this low risk instrument with proven heritage, we can detect polarizations of 5-10% at 5σ due to Compton scattering or synchrotron processes in the relativistic jets of BL Lac objects, accretion disks or jets in active galactic nuclei and atmospheres of isolated pulsars. Pulsar data can be binned by pulse phase to measure the orientation of the neutron star rotation and magnetic field axes and constrain the mass to radius ratio. This project has been selected for technology development funding by the NASA Explorer Program.
We present results from a program to develop an X-ray telescope made from thin plastic shells. Our initial results have been obtained from multi-shell cylindrical lenses that are used in a point-to-point configuration to image the small focal spot of a an X-ray tube on a microchannel plate detector. We describe the steps that led up to the present design and present data from the tests that have been used to identify the properties of the plastic material that make it a suitable X-ray reflector. We discuss two applications of our technology to X-ray missions that are designed to address some of the scientific priorities set forth in NASA's long term plans for high energy astrophysics. One mission will observe in the 1- 10 keV band, the other will extend up to ca. 100keV.
We discuss technology that will produce a wide angle monochromatic beam of X-rays that appears to diverge from a virtual point source. Although our ideas are discussed in the context of dual energy subtraction angiography (DESA) that we are developing to operate in a clinical setting, they are widely adaptable to all applications of x-ray radiography. The best DESA analysis is obtained from X-ray images made in narrow energy bands just below and just above the I K-absorption edge. Our monochromator will be used to isolate these narrow bands to produce high contrast, high spatial resolution, ECG gated angiographic images. Emission lines, that have X-ray energies below (E-) and above (E+) the I K-absorption edge at 33.2 keV, are readily available. We have deposited variable d-spacing artificial crystals, called multilayers, on optically flat, very smooth substrates, to create narrow pass band X-ray monochromators centered on La and Ba K-emission lines. We will record (E-) and (E+) exposures on either photographic plates or, in the future, with energy sensitive pixelated arrays of solid state detectors. After a suitable normalization, the exposures will be subtracted to yield a high resolution, high contrast image of the I filled arteries. Although initial results will be obtained with conventional X-ray tubes, our goal is to couple the monochromators to a high intensity, laser produced, X-ray plasma. We will present early test data that shows the multilayer performance.
Composite microcalorimeters using neutron transmutation-doped germanium (NTD) thermistors have been tested at hard x-ray energies. We present a broad band spectrum showing the energy resolution at 60 keV to be approximately 50 eV. The application of these microcalorimeters to the field of nuclear line astrophysics is discussed.
COnstellation-X is a cluster of identical observatories that together constitute a promising concept for a next- generation, high-throughput, high-resolution, astrophysical x-ray spectroscopy mission. The heart of the Constellation-X mission concept is a high-quantum-efficiency imaging spectrometer with 2 eV resolution at 6 keV. Collectively across the cluster, this imaging spectrometer will have twenty times the collecting efficiency of XRS on Astro-E and better than 0.25 arc minute imaging resolution. The spectrometer on each satellite will be able to handle count rates of up to 1000 counts per second per imaging pixel for a point source and 30 counts per second per pixel for an extended source filling the array. Focal plane coverage of at least 2.5 arc minutes X arc minutes, comparable to XRS but with a factor of thirty more pixels, is required. This paper will present the technologies that have the potential to meet al these requirements. It will identify the ones chosen for development for Constellation-X and explain why those were considered closer to realization, and it will summarize the results of the development work thus far.
New design concepts and materials can be used to produce very lightweight, thin foil approximations, to Wolter I and other x-ray optics. Structures are designed around a central hub and spacers that connect one spoked wheels. Figure defining, thin pins span the distance between the wheels. Thin, metal coated or multilayered, plastic foils can be formed into cones, cylinders or spirals for x-ray telescopes or lenses. Imaging and spectroscopic data obtained with x- ray lenses are presented and they indicate that a 60 cm diameter, 4.65 m focal length x-ray telescope can have a half power diameter of < 2 arcmin.
The four kinds of crystals; RAP(001), Si(111), LiF(220) and the Co/C multilayer on the super polished Si(111) crystals, together make up the objective crystal spectrometer OXS. They cover a wide energy range extending from 0.16 eV to 8 keV. A study of crystal reflectivity and energy resolution including measurements on RAP, LiF and Co/C and a calculation of Si crystals in the respective wavelength bands has been performed and the results are presented.
The Danish Space Research Institute is supplying high- throughput x-ray mirror modules (MM) for the SODART telescopes to be flown on the Russian Spectrum-X-Gamma mission. We have finished the process of building two flight units and one spare unit. We have measured 5500 flight quality single mirrors using laser scanning. Edge deformations have been found to be a persistent phenomenon giving rise to reduced effective area and alignment accuracy. The degree of foil straightness is a function of the radius of curvature. Detailed optical measurements of the MMs is a control of the mechanical alignment achieved by repeated adjustments between the stages of assembly. The results of these investigations are discussed and compared with x-ray calibration measurements. A combination of the optical results and x ray results is fed into a raytracing code resulting in a reliable prediction of the imaging capabilities of the SODART telescopes.
Danish Space Research Institute is supplying the high throughput x-ray concentrators, the so called SODART telescopes, to be flown on the Spectrum Rontgen-Gamma (SRG) satellite. We have completed the process of the developing, building, testing and calibrating the two flight units and one spare unit. Their design is based on the principle of multiple, concentrically nested foil mirrors constituting a conical approximation of the Wolter I geometry. We describe some aspects of the mechanical design, alignment and production process. The optical characteristics of the thin foil telescopes are partly determined by the optical characteristics of the foil mirrors and partly by the assembly and alignment tolerances. The influence of the mirror manufacture processes on some aspects of its optical characteristics is discussed. The concept and the steps of the assembly and alignment procedure are given. The process of obtaining the required accuracy involves a number of technological processes that need optimization in order to reduce the mechanical errors. The overall alignment was tested and improved by optical methods. The experience gained during the development and building of the SODART telescopes shows the potential for improvements in the utilization of the foil mirrors optical characteristics and in future thin foil telescope design and manufacture.
JEM-X will extend the energy range of the gamma ray instruments on ESA's INTEGRAL mission (SPI, IBIS) to include the x-ray band. JEM-X will provide images with arcminute angular resolution in the 2 - 60 keV band. The baseline photon detection system consists of two identical, high pressure, imaging microstrip gas chambers, each with a collecting area of 500 cm2. They view the sky through a coded aperture mask (0.5 mm tungsten) at a separation of 3.4 m. The two detector boxes are formed from 2 mm thick stainless steel plate and are filled with 5 bar Xe. The field of view is defined by the collimator mounted on top of the detector. Each collimator consists of an array of bonded square tubes of Mo. The internal surface of these tubes is covered by a graded shield. The collimator provide also the support for the detector windows which are made out of 250 micrometer thick beryllium foils. The detector sensor elements consists of microstrip plates shaped as regular octagons with a diameter of 292 mm. The basic microstrip pattern is similar to the one chosen for the HEPC/LEPC detector system on SRG. The detector position resolution will be sufficient to ensure an angular resolution for JEM-X of better than 3 arcmin throughout the 2 - 60 keV band.
The JEM-X (joint European x-ray monitor) experiment will be flown onboard the ESA's INTEGRAL satellite. The instrumental background level of the two JEM-X twin detectors will depend on several parameters, among which the satellite orbit and mass distribution, and the detectors materials play a major role. Based on the information available at the present stage of the emission design, we have computed the instrumental background to be expected because of two main background components: direct diffuse x-ray background and secondary photons originated by the interactions of the primary cosmic rays with the spacecraft structures. This calculation has been carried out by means of a Monte Carlo simulation using the code MCNP. The background due to on- orbit material activation and to the primary cosmic rays direct interactions with the detecting medium has not been considered. The INTEGRAL satellite structure is only now being completely defined and the details of the instrument design are still under evolution. The present background estimation can therefore be only preliminary and based on some reasonable approximations on the radiation environment in which the INTEGRAL experiments will operate.
JEM-X is the x-ray monitor serving the two gamma-ray experiments imager and spectrometer onboard the ESA's INTEGRAL satellite. Due to the intrinsic weakness of the celestial sources in the gamma energy range they will need very long integration times. During these long pointings JEM-X will be able to detect very small variations on most x-ray sources, but only if accurately calibrated. The in- flight calibration system of the JEM-X experiment is devoted to measure the response of the detection chain (detector plus electronics) in a small set of positions and energies. The data from this system, together with on ground calibrations and simulations, must provide the capability to deconvolve pulse height spectra of celestial sources. The baseline for the in-flight calibration system foresees a set of four radioactive sources, maybe by Fe55 and Cd109 nuclides, and a pair of Amptek Cool-X15 X-ray generators. The latter is a novel product, based on a pyroelectric crystal used to generate energetic electrons that produce fluorescence lines by hitting a metallic target. We plan to use the four low intensity radioactive sources for monitoring the four independent anode chains, and the two x- ray tubes, one with a copper and the other with a molybdenum target, shared on the two twin detectors, for a flat illumination of the whole detectors area.
The objective crystal spectrometer (OXS) on the forthcoming Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma satellite is designed to carry three kinds of crystals: LiF(220), Si(111) and RAP(001), placed in front of the SODART telescope. Thirty six super polished (RMS roughness < 0.1nm) Si(111) substrates were coated with 65-80 periods of Co/C multilayers using electron beam evaporation deposition combined with ion polishing for the metal layers. These crystals are to be used in the energy band immediately below the C-K absorption edge of 0.284 keV. Because the crystals are to be assembled as one crystal on the OXS, the reflectivity performance as a function of energy and angle of incidence of all crystals has been measured using line radiation from an x-ray tube which provides 1.487 keV and 0.277 keV and using synchrotron radiation from 0.16 keV to 0.28 keV at the Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation electron storage ring a t the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The results from these measurements are discussed.
Finn Christensen, Allan Hornstrup, Peter Frederiksen, Salim Abdali, P. Grundsoe, Josef Polny, Niels Westergaard, Hans Noergaard-Nielsen, Herbert Schnopper, C. Hall, R. Lewis
The on- and off-axis imaging properties of the first of two SODART flight telescopes have been studied using the expanded beam x-ray facility at the Daresbury synchrotron. From on- axis measurements the encircled power distribution and the point spread function at three energies 6.627 keV, 8.837 keV, and 11.046 keV have been measured using a one dimensional position sensitive detector. The data have been used to calculate the half power diameter (HPD) for three different SODART focal plane detectors, the high energy proportional counter (HEPC), the low energy proportional counter (LEPC) and the 19 element solid state array detector (SIXA). We found that the HPD decreases with increasing energy due to poorer figure error of the outermost mirrors. The HPD falls in the range from 2.3 to 3 arcmin for all detectors. Residual misalignment of the individual quadrants of the telescope was found to contribute to the HPD by approximately 10%. If 33% of the geometric telescope area near the edges of the quadrants are covered a reduction of 10% of the HPD can be obtained. On- and off-axis images generated from the one dimensional intensity distribution are presented. Finally the data have been used to calculate the variation of the effective area versus the off- axis angle.
Two SODART thin foil X-ray telescopes will fly on SRG. In the focal plane of one telescope there are: HEPC/LEPC (high- and low energy imaging proportional counters), SIXA (solid state spectrometer array), and FRD (focal plane X-ray detector). In the other, there are: another HEPC/LEPC pair, SXRP (stellar X-ray polarimeter), and another FRD. Mounted alongside and co-aligned with the SODART telescopes is TAUVEX (UV telescope). An objective Bragg spectrometer is mounted in front of one of the telescopes. These instruments and their scientific goals will be described briefly. More detailed discussions will be given by the relevant PIs in the poster session.
The low energy proportional counter LEPC (0.2 - 8 keV) and the high energy proportional counter HEPC (2 - 25 keV) for the Danish-Russian X-ray telescopes XSPECT/SODART are presently being tested at DSRI. The sensor principle of these detectors is based on the novel micro strip gas counter (MSGC) where the strip electrodes are deposited by photolithography onto a rigid substrate. The MSGC offers many advantages: A uniform gas gain, an excellent energy (approximately 13% at 6 keV) and position-resolutions (>> 1 mm), a fast charge collection and a low operating voltage. The energy response, imaging and background rejection performance of LEPC (82 X 82 mm) and HEPC ((sigma) equals 160 mm) will be discussed.
The imaging properties of a test model of the SODART telescopes have been studied using an expanded beam X-ray facility at the Daresbury synchrotron. The encircled power and the point spread function at three energies 6.627 keV, 8.837 keV and 11.046 keV have been measured using 1D and 2D position sensitive detectors. The data have been used to calculate the Half Power Diameter (HPD) for three different SODART focal plane detectors. The High Energy Proportional Counter (HEPC), the Low Energy Proportional Counter (LEPC) and the 19 element solid state array detector (SIXA). At 6.627 keV and 8.837 keV the HPD is 2.5 - 3.0 arcmin for all detectors whereas it is somewhat larger at 11.046 keV for HEPC and LEPC but essentially unchanged for SIXA. Finally, the data are used to point to improvements that can be introduced during the manufacture of the flight telescopes.
Finn Christensen, Niels Westergaard, Ib Rasmussen, I. L. Rasmussen, Herbert Schnopper, Hans-Joachim Wiebicke, Ingolf Halm, U. Geppert, Konstantin Borozdin
The flight version of the Objective Crystal Spectrometer (OXS) on the SPECTRUM-X- GAMMA satellite is presented. The spectrometer is a panel that is placed in front of one of the SODART telescopes. It is composed of an array of the three Bragg crystals, LiF(220), Si(111) and RAP(001) for high resolution spectroscopy in the energy bands that encompass the H- and He-like emission line features from the cosmically important elements Fe, S, Ar and O. An energy resolution (E/(Delta) E) of 1250 will be obtained for He-like Fe emission, > 3000 for He-like S and Ar, > 700 for He-like O. In addition, the Si crystals will be coated with a multilayer that will allow spectroscopy with an energy resolution of approximately 80 in the energy band immediately below the C-K absorption edge of 0.284 keV. All the flight crystals are available and detailed calibrations have been obtained for each crystal. They confirm our specifications for the overall performance of the OXS. An estimate of the effective area in the 4 energy windows that are available to OXS yields > 100 cm2 from 5 to 7.4 keV, > 200 cm2 from 2.3 to 4.6 keV, approximately 10 cm+2) from 0.55 to 0.81 keV and approximately 100 cm2 from 0.175 to 0.28 keV.
The XSPECT, thin foil, multiply nested telescope on SRG has been designed to achieve a large effective area at energies between 6 and 15 keV. The design goal for the angular resolution is 2 arcmin (HPD). Results of foil figure error measurements are presented. A ray tracing analysis was performed including results of earlier scattering measurements and the foil determination. The results of the analysis are compared with test measurements with X rays and show that there is a larger spread in the PSF than the model can account for. The decrease in effective area due to scattering is estimated to be 30% when the photons that scatter more than 6 arcmin are regarded as lost. The vignetting at off-axis angles leads to an effective area at the edge of the FOV which is 15% of that of an on-axis source.
A triple axis X-ray diffractometer, designed and built at the Danish Space Research Institute, was used to make a high resolution study of the performance of a 2000 angstroms period, high energy X-ray transmission grating developed at MIT for one of the grating spectrometers on the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility. Data was obtained at CuK(alpha )1 (8.048 keV) and, using single reflection asymmetric Si(044) crystals for both the monochromator and analyzer, an angular resolution of 1.5 arcsec FWHM was achieved. The efficiency of the grating in all orders up to the 15th was measured using a 12 kW rotating anode X-ray generator. These data provided the basis for a modelling of the grating structure.
In recent years there has been an increased interest in the possible use of Ir as the reflecting surface in X-ray telescope programs. An X-ray study of such surfaces produced by sputtering of Ir on highly polished Zerodur flats is presented here. The study was performed using Fe K(alpha) 1 (6.404 Kev) and Cu K(alpha) 1 (8.048 keV) and includes measurement of total external reflection and scattering. The scattering measurement was made with three different instruments arrangements; one employed a 1D position sensitive detector for low resolution studies giving approximately 30 arcsec resolution (FWHM), and the other two arrangements employed channel cut crystals providing resolutions (FWHM) of 5 arcsec and 1 arcsec, respectively at Cu K(alpha) 1. The reflectivity study revealed a very close correspondence with a theoretical model based on recently published optical constants. This important result shows that an Ir coating can be produced with nominal bulk density.
A facility for the calibration of X-ray Space Instrumentation has been established for the Daresbury Synchrotron. The facility provides a continuously tunable beam with (Delta) (lambda) /(lambda) <EQ 10-4 in the energy range from approximately 5 kev to more than 20 kev. At selected energies in the interval from 6 kev to 12 kev, the facility features a 1D sheet of X-rays, approximately 200 mm wide, obtained from an extremely asymmetric reflection in large perfect crystals of Si. The beam is collimated to < 20 arcsec. Data from tests using large (approximately 250 mm long) beam expander crystals in the energy range from 6 - 12 kev are presented. The planned calibration of the two X-ray telescopes (XSPECT/SODART and JET-X) will be described.
The Objective Crystal Spectrometer on the SPECTRUM-X-GAMMA satellite will use three types of natural crystals LiF(220), Si(111), RAP(001), and a multilayer structure providing high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of Fe, S, O, and C line regions of bright cosmic X-ray sources. 330 - 360 LiF(220) crystals of dimensions approximately 23 X 63 mm2 are required to cover one side of a large (1000 X 600 mm2) panel, which is to be mounted in front of one of two high throughput X-ray telescopes. Rocking curves of 441 LiF(220) crystals measured by using an expanded Cu - K(alpha) 2 beam were analyzed to select the best ones for the flight model. An important parameter is the non-parallelity of the crystal lattice planes with respect to the rear side of the crystals, since it is of the same order of magnitude as the rocking curve width. By lapping the rear side to diminish the non- parallelity and selection the main parameters of the rocking curve averaged over all crystals can be improved at least by a factor of 1.6 both in full width half maximum and peak reflectivity.
We present a concept of continuously graded multilayer structures for medium-sized x-ray telescopes which is based on several material combinations. We show that the theoretical reflectivity characteristics of these structures make them very advantageous when applied to high energy x-ray grazing incidence telescopes. We consider the performance of continuously graded Ni/C multilayers in a multi-focus, Kirkpatrick-Baez geometry and show a significant improvement when compared to standard coatings of gold. For a total length of 3.3 m, a total aperture of 48 cm by 48 cm, and 64 foci, we obtain an effective area of 250 cm2 at 60 keV and a FWHM field of view of 6 feet. We also show that a modular array of conical telescopes (conical approximation to a Wolter-I geometry), with the same length and aperture provides similar effective areas. Energy-dispersive x-ray reflectivity data (15 - 70 keV) is presented for the first continuously graded multilayer of this kind.
Line radiation from Fe K-alpha(1), Cu K-alpha(1), and Ag K-alpha(1) is used to study the high energy X-ray reflectivity and scattering behavior of flight-quality X-ray mirrors having various Al substrates. When both the specular and the scattered radiation are integrated, near theoretical reflectivities are found for all mirrors. Results of scattering studies show that scattering is strongly correlated with the Al foil type. Mirrors based on new 0.4 mm Al foil are found to have a typical scattering FWHM of about 1.1 arcmin, whereas mirrors based on 0.3 mm Al foil have an FWHM of greater than 1.5 arcmin. For all mirrors and for all energies, the scattering is found to exhibit the characteristic asymmetries predicted by a first order vector scattering theory.
The Danish Space Research Institute will provide a set of four imaging microstrip proportional counters (MSPC) as part of XSPECT, the Danish contribution to the SODART telescopes. A high- and a low-energy detector (HEPC and LEPC) will be provided for each of the SODART telescopes. The design is fixed and a prototype of LEPC is under construction. The present paper describes the imaging properties of this detector. The inherent position resolution is < 0.2 mm around 6 keV, and positional nonlinearities are < 0.1 mm. The gas gain is independent of position to better than 0.5%. Finally, the point spread function, important for studying weak objects in the vicinity of strong ones, has been measured.
The Objective Crystal Spectrometer (OXS) on the SPECTRUM-X-GAMMA satellite will carry these types of natural crystals LiF(220), Ge(111) and RAP(001). They will be used to study, among others, the H- and the He-like emission from the cosmically important elements Fe, S, Ar and O. More than 300 LiF-crystals of dimension approximately 23 X 63 mm2 are required to cover one side of a large (approximately 1000 X 600 mm2) panel which is to be mounted in front of one of the high throughput X-ray telescopes. A qualification study, performed at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI), examined a large sample of LiF(220) crystals at Cu-K(alpha) 2 (8.0278 keV). Data from 124 flight crystals yields an average FWHM of rocking curves of 2.3 arcmin with a standard deviation of 0.4 arcmin. For more than 80% of the crystals, angular deviation of the (220) planes from the actual crystal surface is less than 1.5 arcmin. These data will be used to select the best crystals for the flight panel and will determine precisely the orientation of the crystals mounted on the OXS. Eight crystals were glued onto a small test panel of the OXS and for only one crystal was there measured a significant deviation of the crystal properties, including alignment relative to the others.
Thin foil X-ray mirrors are to be used as the reflecting elements in the telescopes of the X-ray satellites Spectrum-X-Gamma (SRG) and ASTRO-D. High resolution X-ray scattering measurements from the Au coated and dip-lacquered Al foils are presented. These were obtained from SRG mirrors positioned in a test quadrant of the telescope structure and from ASTRO-D foils held in a simple fixture. The X-ray data is compared with laser data and other surface structure data such as STM, atomic force microscopy (AFM), TEM, and electron micrography. The data obtained at Cu K-alpha(1), (8.05 keV) from all the mirrors produced on Al foils shows a scatter which limits the obtainable half-power width to above 1.5 arcmin. Mirrors based on electroformed Ni foils, however, show local regions with a factor of 4 better performance, and they are being developed for future applications.
A high energy telescope design is presented which combines grazing incidence geometry with Bragg reflection in a graded d-spacing multilayer coating to obtain significant sensitivity up to --6O keV. The concept utilizes total reflection and first order Bragg reflection in a graded d-spacing multilayer structure in a way that higher energies are reflected from the deepest layers in the stack. The specific design presented in this paper is based on Ni/C and Mo/C structures with dspacings ranging from 25A to 100 A. X-ray reflectivity data obtained with Cu Kc1 (8. 05 keV) are presented from the first graded d-spacing structures of this kind.
DSRI will provide a set of four imaging proportional counters for the Danish-Soviet X-ray telescopes
XSPECT/SODART. The sensor principle is based on the novel micro-strip proportional counter (MSPC),
where the strip electrodes are deposited by photolithography onto a rigid substrate. The MSPC offers many
advantages : A uniform gas gain, an excellent energy resolution, the possibility to match the strip pitch to the
desired positron resolution, a fast charge collection and low operating voltages. However, a stable behaviour
of the MSPC requires a careful choice of both substrate and strip electrode material. The low energy detectors
will be equipped with polyimide windows of 0.5 pm thickness, providing a high quantum efficiency even at
200 eV with an energy resolution comparable to that of solid state detectors. The MSPC is capable of operating
at high counting rates (iO ph s1) and the electronics is designed to match this capability.
The status of the Objective Crystal Spectrometer (OXS) to be flown on the Soviet Spectrum-X-Gamma satellite together with the X-ray investigation of two of the three natural crystals (LiF(220), Ge(111) and RAP(001) which are chosen as the baseline option are presented. An important result of this study is the approximately 50 percent higher resolution obtained by polishing the LiF(220) surface. The measured X-ray data has been used to determine the OXS specifications. A simulation of the performance of the OXS for the LiF(220)-case are presented. A novel design in which multilayers are coated on the LiF(220) and Ge(111) surfaces is presented. This design allows simultaneous spectroscopy in two energy bands each centered on cosmically interesting line emission regions. X-ray reflectivity measurements demonstrate that the crystal surface can be made sufficiently smooth for the application of the multilayer coating. The first X-ray reflectivity data of multilayers deposited on these surfaces are also reported.
We present the results of an extensive study of X-ray reflectivities of dip lacquered and Au coated Al foils. The
measurements are performed at four different energies from 0.71 keV to 8.1 keV. The foils span a range of fabrication
parameters. We show, that two of three examined versions of a density variation model are able to explain the data.
We fmd a strong dependence on the microroughness of thickness of the Au coating and of the Au deposition rates.
We present data suggesting important correspondence between X-ray measurements and scanning tunneling microscopy
measurements. We fmd no dependence on curing temperatures (70°C to 130°C). Finally, we have performed an energy
scan of one of the foils, in the range 6 keV to 12 keV.
Four position sensitive proportional counters will be delivered by the Danish Space Research Institute as focal plane instruments for the Soviet Danish Roentgen Telescope SODART. These detectors will incorporate the novel microstrip electrode design. This design has been tested with Xenon gas and an Fe-55 X-ray source. The energy resolution is better than 14 percent FWHM up to gas gains of 10,000, the rise time of pulses from X-ray events is fast, 100 ns, allowing for efficient background rejection by rise time analysis. A position resolution of 1 mm FWHM is easily obtained by resistive charge division of the signals from the cathodes and from a wire grid placed in front of the microstrip plate. The detector performs without significant degradation of gain or energy resolution at fluxes exceeding 10 exp 6/s sq cm and a total dose of 10 exp 11 photons.
Niels Westergaard, B. Byrnak, Finn Christensen, P. Grundsoe, Allan Hornstrup, S. Henrichsen, U. Henriksen, Ellen Jespersen, Hans Noergaard-Nielsen, Josef Polny, Herbert Schnopper, P. Orup
The first satellite in a planned series of Soviet astromnomical x-ray and gamma-ray satellites will be equipped with two high-throughput telescopes to be manufactured by the Danish Space Research Institute. The optical system consists of two sets of nested cones, whose substrate is aluminum foil. The smooth surface is obtained by dip lacquering, and the reflective layer is gold. The design parameters have been optimized for high throughput at 7 keV. The mechanical design and the status of the surface preparation technologies are described. Various x-ray and optical test facilities for the measurement of surface roughness, "orange peel," and figure errors are described. An optical parallel beam has been established, and results from the first mounted mirrors are discussed. The design goal is an angular resolution of 2 arcmin (half energy width). The first results seem to indicate that this is feasible and the possibilty of going down to 1.5 arcmin exists.
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