Dr. Hui Li
at Univ of Pennsylvania
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (10)

Proceedings Article | 11 July 2007 Paper
Ian Corbin, Juan Chen, Hui Li, Weiguo Cao, Gang Zheng
Proceedings Volume 6626, 66260B (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.728427
KEYWORDS: Tumors, Proteins, In vivo imaging, Cancer, Nanoparticles, Particles, Imaging systems, Receptors, Luminescence, Optical imaging

SPIE Journal Paper | 1 July 2005 Open Access
Hui Li, Diane Marotta, Soungkyoo Kim, Theresa Busch, E. Paul Wileyto, Gang Zheng
JBO, Vol. 10, Issue 04, 041203, (July 2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.10.1117/1.2011429
KEYWORDS: Photodynamic therapy, Proteins, Tumors, Particles, Optical imaging, Confocal microscopy, Picosecond phenomena, Silicon, Nanoparticles, Receptors

Proceedings Article | 18 January 2005 Paper
Hui Li, Diane Marotta, Soungkyoo Kim, Britton Chance, Jerry Glickson, Theresa Busch, Gang Zheng
Proceedings Volume 5630, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.573912
KEYWORDS: Photodynamic therapy, Tumors, Picosecond phenomena, Silicon, Confocal microscopy, Proteins, Cancer, Near infrared, In vitro testing, Receptors

Proceedings Article | 18 January 2005 Paper
Juan Chen, Klara Stefflova, Soungkyoo Kim, Hui Li, Diane Marotta, Britton Chance, Jerry Glickson, Gang Zheng
Proceedings Volume 5630, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.573915
KEYWORDS: Photodynamic therapy, Luminescence, Picosecond phenomena, Oxygen, Quenching (fluorescence), Molecules, Absorption, Cancer, Energy transfer, Tumors

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